
Mar 11, 2007
I figure its about time that I make a couple of strops for maintaining my knives. My questions are

1) what is the best way to make and the best materials to use for a strop?

2)how the heck do i use one?
I just glued some scrap leather to a piece of 2x4 with contact cement. Its about 3" x 8" although Looking back, a 2x10 strop would be more ideal. In any case, I've found Mothers mag/aluminum polish to work quickly and leave a highly polished edge... in fact too polished for my tastes; my next strop will get something coarser to charge it with.
Mine's made from a left over piece of leather that was too short to make a belt. I've got mine loaded with green polishing compound purchased from Home Depot on the grain (smooth side). On the grain (rough) side of the leather I've got white polishing compound.

The end was puched and an grommet was set. Mine hangs, allowing both sides to be used.

You can buy leather online or at any Tandy store, but in truth a belt blank will work well.
ok now i have half the equation what i really need now is a small tutorial on how to do it.