SUBCOM Folder (SF) review

Jan 29, 2004
Aloha ALL,

Okay, I figured I would write about my design from the time I got the pre-production sample...

Upon reception from of my SF (SUBCOM Folder) I had some reserves about putting it through the paces as this was after all, one of the very first SF's... and in my hands I held my first "official" production piece. However, being an ELU as Sal Glesser (mahalo Sal!) calls us, I just had to "know".;)

Opening and closing was a bit tricky at first, but when you find the sweet spot of the stud, which is the part closest to my logo, it opens quite well and smooth. Framelock "sounded" good with a nice "thunk". To me, the clip should be longer, so initially I moved it to tip down carry and added a fob. This greatly increased the security of the SF. IIRC, TJT carries his tip down. Oddly enough, I have an easier time opening this one left handed!:D Unlocking won't happen accidentally, as there are no notches on the framelock bar. I was never interested in how fast I could close a knife.:rolleyes: Either way, I hope to see a longer clip and a steel stud on the SF soon!

I performed the shave test on my arm. VERY sharp, hairs were "flung" into the air..."hair popping" is the term. The SF blade is thin being of 2mm stock, however due to it's width, it will track with whatever material you are cutting through.

I then recall whittling on wood, cutting through old USPS boxes, and carved a phone book up. While I was cutting through the Yellow Pages, it was at this time that the SF's blade's width made almost surgical like cutting as I twisted and turned the blade while moving it through the phone book. It tracked very well. Throughout this time, the framelock held nice that I then thrusted in a reverse grip 100% w/o gloves (I know, I know...:eek: ) into the phone book several times. Lock held up, and the operation of the SF was not affected. No developement of vert/lat play either...hmmmmm. Due to the thinness of the blade stock, it penetrated a bit better than I thought. Thankfully, the deep choil prevented any slippage! However, reality now sunk in also. The blade was dulling...being of 420J2, I expected this. However, FWIW, I got the edge right back rather quickly.

Next, it was onto my "CNT Dummy" (Cut N Thrust). This is made up of a strong polyfiber filled inmate matress wrapped around a 2x4, wrapped with duct tape, wearing a t-shirt.:D Anyway, I did some standard slashes in the forward grip and it zipped through all the way to where i saw the polyfiber coming out of the t-shirt. Thrusts again went well, and all the way to the stud. I was then expecting the stud to break off, but it held! (Yes, I was surprised!) Again, I thank the deep choil for preventing any feelings of slippage in either forward or reverse grips. OBTW, reverse grips are "index finger free" on the SF. I recall Jerry VanCook stating once, or was it Kasper...anyway, something like when your index finger is "free", or not part of the reverse grip, your wrist is able to move more freely. Personally, I couldn't tell the diff!

After all this within the hour or so, it was time for inspection. Sure, the blade was dull after the CNT Dummy, but lockup was as good as ever, the stud was still on, and there was no play in the blade whatsoever. I cleaned up the sample SF and showed it to my buddies.

From small hands to huge, this SF fits. While it does not have a "perfect-fits-like-a-glove" feeling, it does fit. I showed it to some HUGE dudes, both overweight and over muscled, small folks, name it, the SF accomodated them all! What I liked was hearing some of the comments made by some of the folks I showed it to: "Cute!"..."Doesn't look like a knife."...and these same people are then saying, "Whoa...imagine getting cut by this."..."You wouldn't even see it!"..."Wide wound channel..." :D LOL!!!

Anyway, all in all, I think Boker had their Magnum outfit do a good job on this SF, all things considered. It is currently being tested and eval'd by some writers, martial artists, military, LEO's, defense system instructors, and of course, ELU's like you and I. There will be more to follow...

I thank you for reading this, and yes, it may appear biased, but for those who know me, I am a straight forward kinda guy. I firmly believe in you get what you give in life...therefore, regardless if it is *my* design, I will not lie about it.;) Mahalo much for your time, and I hope you enjoy the SUBCOM Folder. If not, then perhaps the FB version?:D

God bless and mahalo much to the great Boker staff and to my KnifeBro's also! Take care and thank you!:thumbup:
leatherbird said:
Great design! Kudos to you.:thumbup:I plan on getting one. :)

Thank you leatherbird...not only for your support, but for actually reading my review!:D

Good night from Hawaii, and God bless;)
Thanks for the review Chad. I am looking forward to getting mine so I can do a follow up myself.
I have no doubt in my mind Chad that you would call the knife as you see it. Even though you designed it, if it did not perform, I know you would say so.:)
ghostrider said:
Thanks for the review Chad. I am looking forward to getting mine so I can do a follow up myself.

Mahalo ghostrider,

I think tip down and one of your fobs are in order when ya do! Closing might be a pita for you since ya got big hands...but keep me posted on that.

Thanks for reading and God bless!:cool:

PS: I will be working on the GH...;)
The General said:
I have no doubt in my mind Chad that you would call the knife as you see it. Even though you designed it, if it did not perform, I know you would say so.:)

Aloha General,

Yes, as I mentioned in the review, there are a few things I would change...first being the steel! However, the review I did is true, how it held up, how it felt, so on and so forth.

Thanks for reading and for your kind words. Of course, I would not "sell trash to anyone." :thumbup:

God bless and take care:cool:
Thanks for the outstanding review, Chad:D

Looking forward to getting one (or three) soon :D :eek: :cool:
Man that sounds like an excellent little knife!

On one hand you have a knife that will be real good for an office enviorment, no raised eyebrows or visits to the HR dept. :eek:
On the other hand you have a knife with a blade that could still take care of... ah.... other "business" if the need arises.:cool:

Well done Daywalker! :thumbup: :thumbup:
I really like your review!! I might have to get one of those!! It sounds like an excellent knife!!
Nice review bro, looking forward to seeing if it holds up to the high expectations I have for it.:cool:
I may be wrong, but I see and feel that the Daywalker knives are trying to give a lot of power and defence in a small yet efficiant design. They don't look all that threatening, but I bet can really cut!

A Ka Bar would make a much better self defence knife, but then what use is the "fighting knife" at home when the orrible stuff hits the fan? Its the knife you have on you that counts and this looks to be a very easy carry that won't offend NKP.
Hey Chad, nice review, and possibly the first one I've seen from the designer.

It's gonna be a CLB holiday season for my buddies this year!
potterma said:
Thanks for the outstanding review, Chad:D

Looking forward to getting one (or three) soon :D :eek: :cool:

Aloha potterma,

great seeing YOU here! Hey thanks again for buying three of these!:thumbup: Also, thank you for reading and your kind words in a recent, uh, rep note I got from you!:D

Take care and God bless!!!
Outlaw45 said:
Man that sounds like an excellent little knife!

On one hand you have a knife that will be real good for an office enviorment, no raised eyebrows or visits to the HR dept. :eek:
On the other hand you have a knife with a blade that could still take care of... ah.... other "business" if the need arises.:cool:

Well done Daywalker! :thumbup: :thumbup:

Aloha Outlaw45!!!

Yes, it is okay...VERY people friendly, and uh, can do "other things" if it has too!;) Tonight I had a co-worker hold it, and this dude is his paws with no problems. Sometimes, they just don't know how to close it though! :D :D :D !!!

God bless you KnifeBro!!!
TheKnifeCollector said:
I really like your review!! I might have to get one of those!! It sounds like an excellent knife!!

Aloha TheKnifeCollector,

Again I thank you...knowing the "taste" you have in knives, I am rather honored.:eek:
Thank you for reading and God bless:thumbup:
smcfalls13 said:
Nice review bro, looking forward to seeing if it holds up to the high expectations I have for it.:cool:

Aloha Scott!!!

Hey, remember, this is only a 420J2 now...I hope what it lacks for in steel as far as the blade goes, it will make up for in design.:eek: It does work well left handed...something I attribute fully to the textured Zytel side.;)

Thanks for everything KnifeBro, and God bless;)
The General said:
I may be wrong, but I see and feel that the Daywalker knives are trying to give a lot of power and defence in a small yet efficiant design. They don't look all that threatening, but I bet can really cut!

A Ka Bar would make a much better self defence knife, but then what use is the "fighting knife" at home when the orrible stuff hits the fan? Its the knife you have on you that counts and this looks to be a very easy carry that won't offend NKP.

Aloha General,

Wha? The General "wrong"? No way.:D This model being of 2mm CAN really long depends fully on what you are cutting though. Remember, it is 420J2.:(

Again, you are correct in that this SUBCOM Folder offends no one at all...not even left handers!:D Seriously though, it is VERY people friendly. Even those who are not "into knives" want one.:confused: :)

God bless and thanks for reading!:thumbup:
Aloha ALL,

Everyone who read my review of the SF pre-production proto, please be advised that in NO way am I doing this to you all::jerkit: !!! (Hey, sorry, but I had to figure out how to use this smiley!:D )

Seriously though, the SF did what it did in my review. Period. I have handled Magnum knives that were terrible. I have handled some that were decent and pretty well made, like the KAL74's in Aus8, nicely done aluminum handles...
The SUBCOM Folder falls into the "better than average" Magnum. It has a WIDE, yet people friendly blade. It is a framelock as opposed to the Magnum linerlocks. Add a fob and yes, it will fit the biggest hand.

The Magnum line, at least some of them anyway, are like what the byrd line is to Spyderco. Will it handle like a Boker Brend? No. That's like asking will the byrd Crossbill handle like a Spyderco Harpy? Nope. However:

The Magnum line is improving in terms of fit and finish...their KAL 74's proved that to me. I pray that this model does well enough to see a longer clip, and an upgrade in steel to at least AUS8...dream steel being X15...but we'll see.;)

Anyway, is just a Magnum, but it ain't THAT bad guys...;)

Thanks again for reading and God bless:thumbup:
Excellent review of your own knife. :)

I can wait to get my hands on one. *cough* hint *cough* ;)

Knife Outlet is sold out of them! :eek: So, I have to wait... :rolleyes: O well, it will be worth it.