Tactical Short Sword


Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Jul 20, 2003
Ok, here it is… the deviant tactical short sword !!

50 cm differentially hardened O-2 steel.



Blue/black G10 handle, with a Carbon Fibre design

Blue and black spacers



And a tactical kydex sheat off course



I've been told that it has some Dervish, some Blair and some Hossom style in it. (all knifemakers that I just love !!)
It looks like it would drool when it spots an enemy! Awesome work :D
Awesome! Looks like it would be right at home on a soldiers pack.
Bill Siegle said:
It looks like it would drool when it spots an enemy! Awesome work :D

Bill, I doubt if the enemy would stick around for long, after looking at that one! :)

That is one really, really cool knife/sword.
deviant11 said:
Ok, here it is… the deviant tactical short sword !!

50 cm differentially hardened O-2 steel.



Blue/black G10 handle, with a Carbon Fibre design

Blue and black spacers



And a tactical kydex sheat off course



I've been told that it has some Dervish, some Blair and some Hossom style in it. (all knifemakers that I just love !!)

I just designed one that looks exactly like that based on a picture of a knife I found online...which also looks just like that.

Did you make that yourself?
that's quite the accomplishment.
um...sorry. my first post here.
I didn't mean to have all the beautiful pictures show up again.

Wierd how similar the blade design is.
I'd like to know how it performs.

The business end sure is purdy, but it looks like it feels awkward in the hand.
any ideas?
AKA Knife Knut said:
What is the point of balance and center of percussion (optimal impact point)

I am curious about this too.

Beautiful and wicked blade. Hossom and RJ Martin must be a couple of your favorites, but the sword is unique.
Dang that is a real nightmare maker! It would scare the beejeezus outta me to be on the wrong end of that badboy.
Stay Safe,
AKA Knife Knut said:
What is the point of balance and center of percussion (optimal impact point)

Point of balance is 2.5 inches behind the middle of the sword, towards the handle.

And optimal impact point is the 'point' were the grind changes.

I just found a picture of the RAMPAGE by RJ MARTIN. It's almost scary to see how much my knife looks like his.