Off Topic Taking up hobbies that can put our precious knives to use

I've done the most Survive! and Carothers of any of them. Survive! probably my favorite handles to replace. More recently I've moved to pinned and epoxied handles instead of ones with fasteners, and doing handles on custom one-off knives. Mule team knives probably are going to be the easiest to get into, and ESEE would also be a great place to start. If you are careful and do a good job, you can make a few bucks and sell them to offset the spend on the hobby.

That Mule is a nice knife. A little cramped in the handle due to the curvature/drop in the back end. Great slicer with the high flat grind.

Look in the exchange under the custom section, where makers sell materials. You can often pick up a blank, no handles at all, and come up with your own - for very reasonable prices.
Thank you!!! I hadn't thought to check out the exchange for blades before.... that could work very well for me!