Tales from the Crypto

Daniel Fairly Knives

Full Time Knifemaker
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Jan 9, 2011
I have had so many requests for the Crypto glow scales I had to make another knife with them! I paired up the Crypto with the toughest knife steel I know of, S7! The hardware is Titanium 3/8" tubing ,no expense was spared.

I'm going to flare the Titanium tubing and shape the scales tomorrow when the epoxy is fully cured, After that I will make a Kydex sheath for it, leather will also be available upon request for $20 more. Then I'll polish the edge and tip and it will be ready to go!

This one will be available for $225 to the first person who contacts me or says they want it here. The $225 includes shipping within the US and a kydex sheath; leather is $20 more. There will only be one of these made for now.

Very pretty Daniel! Would love to say yes... but you've cleaned me out for the moment :) Keep up the new designs!
Very pretty Daniel! Would love to say yes... but you've cleaned me out for the moment :) Keep up the new designs!

Hey I really appreciate hearing that! Thanks!

Crypto 'poon :eek: :thumbup:
:D That's right!

Yo Daniel, Would that be made from your 5/16 S7?
This one is 1/8" thick. It is a larger knife and would be great for every day use.

I'm going to make a few of these in 5/16" A2 later this year, I have a big bar for a small run.

Thanks for asking!
Thanks. I'm starting to notice that. Is there any cure?

Ha Ha!! Don't let Daniel fool you......there is no cure. You can only treat the symptoms. They go away temporarily with regular infusions of Fairly steel. :p
Ha Ha!! Don't let Daniel fool you......there is no cure. You can only treat the symptoms. They go away temporarily with regular infusions of Fairly steel. :p

Yep. I was trying to figure out if that was what Daniel meant in his reply, or if the only cure is to die so you can't buy any more. So far, I'm going with the regular infusions...
Yep. I was trying to figure out if that was what Daniel meant in his reply, or if the only cure is to die so you can't buy any more. So far, I'm going with the regular infusions...

No Wilson was correct!

I thought it might cure the problem if you keep buying more of my knives. After more thought how's that supposed to work? As soon as you get one you're just going to need more! :D And more!!!

I'm signing you guys up for my maintenance program, if the withdrawal symptoms pop up I will overnight express a large infusion of knife goodness.
No Wilson was correct!

I thought it might cure the problem if you keep buying more of my knives. After more thought how's that supposed to work? As soon as you get one you're just going to need more! :D And more!!!

I'm signing you guys up for my maintenance program, if the withdrawal symptoms pop up I will overnight express a large infusion of knife goodness.

:). Great idea! A Knife-of-the-Month Club! I'm in!
I just flared the Titanium Tube and am about to block the handle out and start shaping!
Handle shaped and looking good! Pics soon!

This one is close, here is the custom sheath being started. Template!

Here's what the knife looks like when the sheath is being made, it's very close but doesn't have any of the finishing touches applied. That's lint on it...

I'm very happy with the way this one is coming out, the handle feels great.
