Photos Teaching Knife Safety at Cub Scouts

I don't trust these kids with their own knives, yet. My own son, yes, when he is not with his buddies, but not the others. Too wild and unfocused, still. They'll get there, though.
When I was involved with the Boy Scouts in the 1990s, we had the Scouts keep a "Tot'en Chip" which was a card with a commitment to knife safety and their signature on it. If they slipped and didn't follow the rules, some adult leader would clip a corner. If three corners got clipped, knife privileges were revoked for some period of time and re-education was involved.

Our grandkids are not involved with either Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts today. Their parents feel that the programs have changed too much away from their parenting principles. Both have access to cutting tools when family camping. When at home, these are kept in the gun safe. Kitchen cutlery is used with supervision.

I just can't remember knife handling training from the 1960s when I was a Scout.
What? Back in the day, they had public shaming for learning responsibility?!?!?

Good God, how we have fallen....
60yo Scouting was a great experience for me . :cool: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Unless it's changed for the worse , I wish every kid at least had the opportunity .
Yes, it's part of tyhe Whittling Chip. Only... I took waaaay too long and we were having too much fun to get through the whole lesson.

I taught them about Barlows, Stockmans, Clip Blades, Spey Blades (they reacted quite strongly to the definition of "spey" 🤣), Lambsfoot, Spear, bolsters, scales, liner lock, slipjoint, and so on, including how to use a flat surface to close the blade if their hands are too small and weak.
Looks like fun! Thanks for teaching the next generation. Makes you wonder how any kid survived back in the day. Boy scouts back then were handed a knife and then taught Mumbley Peg 😂

