Team Gemini. . . Light Brigade Series!!!!!!. . . . Oh Yeah!!!!!. . . Cool Spy Pic. .

The TG has appealed to me, but I have yet to pull the trigger. This offering may very well find a home with me. I wonder how many variations (aka flavors) will be available. I must admit, this black on black looks very nice.
Please:) and Thank You:)
When I first saw this knife I hated it. Now I need it:D.

Anyone remember what the original price from Busse was for these?.
I have always liked this knife but the size and weight was too close to my Tank Buster...If this knife turns out to be significantly lighter than the original then I am down like a clown charlie brown!
Very nice, I've been waiting for this one since Jerry announced Light Brigade treatment on it.

It look ready to me's a good way to start the final year with this blade...Ganzaa maybe??? I'm ready!
I have always liked this knife but the size and weight was too close to my Tank Buster...If this knife turns out to be significantly lighter than the original then I am down like a clown charlie brown!

Yea dude, they're taking off like half a pound! I think that brings the OAW to somewhere around 13oz. Though i do have the mathematical abilities of a hamster.
Bring on the Team Gemini Light Brigade!!!!! So Excited!!!!!!:thumbup:
LOVE IT, NEED IT! Make it so...but not until after 15 Jan...I'll be in nowhere Philippines until then and tech limited.

This pic gave me a beautiful daydream...drum roll...a Mini Gladius! Son of Gladius, gladius jr., whatever...wouldn't that be something yummy...somewhere +/- 10"
WOW looks like Jerry is moving in reverse order from his poll and the LBNMSHBM will be last.... that said LBTG looks like a winner although I just ponied up for a TG on the exchange not that long ago
the big question is will this be released in time for the second half of season 2 of The Walking Dead