Test Post Only - Test Post Only - Do Not Respond 2

randucci said:
So does that mean if you buy three, the third one is $79.99?


No the third one is the same price but you have to wait an extra two weeks for it to arrive to you.:D
winmagfrog said:
NO WAY that knife could be offered at 179.99. It would be a very good deal at 279.99. I think Bravado is playing games so that people will se the price and say,"Oh, huh? I thought they would be cheaper... Hmm, should I get one? Yeah, I deserve it!". By that time, they will all be sold.

I haven't been around that long, but I'm beggining to see a pattern here...
And I like it!

You are wise beyond your years grasshopper!!!

Bravado is an old Alpha Boar with "trough tricks" that could make your tail curl!!!:eek:

Listen to no one. . .. trust no one. . . be faster than everyone!!!!:D

Nuke on my trough treasure hunting HOGs!!!!

Get a good nights sleep, limber up those fingers.... double check those emails.... both of them in your draft folders...... get ready for the stampede!!!!!!!:D