Testing 1 2 3

Sep 22, 2003
sheesh....that second pic looks like some kinda "contest" to me....:eek: :p :eek:

like the blade on #6 - what is it?
Sweet pics. Nice YCS. Man when I think I get going on my collection I see you guys pics and know I can relax. There is a long road ahead. And I'll love every sharp curvy pointy part of the trip. Thanks for the pics HD. I haven't gotten my wife out swinging the steel yet. Never seen her in camo either. I gotta get around to these things. She did go deer hunting with me once. I made sure we made so much noise there would be no shooting at cute things though.:thumbup:
One day, I want to have goats. Goat cheese is the best. I'd like to make enough to sell some, and have plenty left.

Wonder if 3 goats will be enough?

Yes. Even 2 goats is enough if you have ones from productive bloodlines.

I have had goats, like The Pix who milked a gallon at a milking or 2 gallons a day total. Most of my goats will milk 12 lbs or more a gallon being slightly over 8.

Saanens, like I have milk a lot. Nubians and Alpines and Lamanchas less. Toggs milk well but sometimes have flavor issues.

I don't like to fool with making cheese with less than 2 gallons of milk. I mainly make the soft chev're and feta, but sometimes make hard cheese and mozzarella. Goat meat using kids under 3 mo is excellent meat too. Older and it is more like mutton.

Aproy, my wife likes to hunt and we are a good team at butchering too. She's a little hard to get up in the morning when we backpack though.

Oh well this was fun. But time to go milk


HD, I'm wondering of some of the 'flavor issues' might come from eating the wrong things.

Like beards.
HD, there are a lot of nice things in your world.

Thanks for look. It's working.

Goat is dee-lish, whether it's Jamaican, redneck or carribbean style.

Also, if you resize or keep pix under 10" people won't have to scroll right/left to read text.

Ad Astra
I like the meat. I like the cheese. But mostly I like the personality of goats. I spent my summers on our farm in Mississippi. No goats there. Cattle and crops. During college I worked for a farmer. He had goats, cows, a pig at a time, chickens, and ducks. Most of what I did was slaughtering, feeding and cleaning out pins.

Funny story.

Working on his little farm one day. It was kinda cold. We were slaughtering chickens. He cought them, I beheaded them, allowed them to drain, dipped them into the hot water and rubbed off the feathers, and his wife cut them up. Suddenly there was quite a commotion from the neighbors house, and police were screaming down the little road. We took a break, all stinking and covered in blood and chickenshit and walked to the fence. I'll never forget the scene.

See there was a dead pony (Shetland) hanging out of the back of an Oldsmobile Delta 88. These two Hatian guys, and the farmer were arguing and the cops were trying to figure what the hell was going on. The farmer had that pony advertised for sell and these two guys show up and buy it. The farmer sells the pony, and then on the way into the house realizes they have no trailer. Well when he turns around the Hatians got this aluminum bat out and as he watches hit that pony between the eyes and push his dead ass over into the trunk and start tying it down. He comes out with his shotgun and holds them at gunpoint until the police arrive. Turns out when Hatian boys turn 16 they roast up a pony and feast. Cops let the guys go. Ever seen a Delta 88 with horse legs hanging out of the trunk?

Sorry for the rant.
HD, I use Photobucket for posting my pics. I use the clickable thumblinks and they work well for me. Thanks for the pics, especially the one from the MWKK05.

Ad Astra said:
Also, if you resize or keep pix under 10" people won't have to scroll right/left to read text.
Ad Astra

:confused: :confused: Sounds like you're using a pretty small resolution if you need to scroll to see those pics. :eek:
Test sat, HD. My favorite pic is you with the goats. I've always wondered what the hollow looks like.

Second pic from the top, guy in the middle: wow, was I bald back then. You'd get a kick out of how I look now. A bit thinner and a whole lot more hairy. I won't even get started on those unsavory characters on either side of me. ;)

The brush trimming detail...with swords. Classic. I still wonder what Nasty's neighbors thought of that.

Thanks for the good memories HD, as recent as they were. In the course of my life it's easy to forget that there are truly good people out there, and the MWKK '05 still stands out in my mind as the one time in my life where I met that many cool people at any one occasion. I'm still humbled by it.

How is Mrs. HD doing these days? Has she recovered fully from her surgery?
Kazeryu said:
:confused: :confused: Sounds like you're using a pretty small resolution if you need to scroll to see those pics. :eek:

My BlackBerry wristwatch has a 2.75 LHP screen, which is big for its type... :foot:

I meant, accidental "goliath" pix like this, which stretch the window.


Ad Astra
Thanks Y'all.

Ms. Hollowdweller is better.

She's back to work for about 3 wks and last week she's even been able to wear pants so her incisional pain is better.

The off flavor in Togg milk I have been told is genetic. Apparently in Switzerland they used their milk to make strong cheese and kind of selected for that. Not all US Toggenburgs have strong milk but some do. One of my first saanens had genetically bad milk. I dried monkeying with the feed, worming, selenium and vitamin E injections to no avail. Then the doe's daughter had milk as bad as hers. I got rid of her and all of her relatives. All the goats now have good milk cause I have selected for it.


How about a hairy pic??

Here's another pic of the hollow.This is looking up the hollow behind my house.


Here's looking down the hollow. My property ends at the end of the hayfield there. The little building belongs to my former evil neighbors. They tore up their house till it was unliveable and then burned it down at a drunken party. All that remains is the little building. It's much quieter now.:thumbup:

HD, where in appalacia are you. Looks beautiful. My spot in Mississippi is less hilly and dryer looking, but very similar. One day I'll have a few goats up there. I've tried to get my grandad to get some for kudzu control. Only problem is moving the pens each time they've eaten it back real good. I don't know much about breeds. The farmer I worked for sold them for meat.