Thank you, MR. Becker and Kabar. BK9 and mini-kit pics

Sep 23, 2008
God I love this knife. Not only is it tough as nails, but that big pocket on the front will accomodate a Sucrets tin slap full of excellent stuff! Here's the pics I'd promised earlier:


The BK9 in sheath.


BK9 out of sheath. I like a lanyard on this knife because it makes it more versatile for smaller whittling. Slip the lanyard up on your forearm and choke up the blade...keeping your fingers away from the edge of course.


Front of the sheath. This is the pocket, para cord ladder knotted and wrapped around the bottom. There's around 20 feet there. The thing poking up out of the pocket is the BK13, I wrapped it with cord--the corners of the handle were a little rough during certain chores. Made a necklace out of it, a P38 and Scout flint rod.


The BK13 necklace knife and baubles.


Closer view of the BK13. Don't care much for the nasty "C" word on it, but sometimes to keep cost down you have to make deals with the devil.


Tucked into the pocket, L to R: BK13, Sucrets tin (I said an Altoids tin earlier, I forgot I'd switched the kit into a Sucrets tin, they're deeper than an Altoids tin), diamond whetstone, fatwood stick.


The contents of the tin and pocket. Everything I need to keep myself alive in a nasty situation:
1. Snare wire.
2. Fishing kit: splitshot sinkers arranged on a piece of line, line, assorted hooks on paper covered with tape.
3. Emergency med kit:
a.) Itch relief cream
b.) alcohol swab
c.) Ibuprofen
d.) Aspirin
e.) Butterfly stitches
f.) Sting Relief
g.) Razor blade

I know you're asking yourself: where's the triple antibiotic and bandaids? Had to use them and haven't taken the time to restock the kit yet. But they'll be there, I promise!

4.) Bic Mini
5.) Water treatment kit
a.) Oven bag for boiling and such
b.) Aqua Pure Plus tabs in a vacuum sealed bag. Brown color is the iodine part, white tabs are the neutralizer to make the water taste better.

6.) BK13 necklace:
a.) BK13
b.) P38
c.) Boy Scout model flint, 2 bucks at the local joint.

7.) Diamond whetstone
8.) Fatwood stick
9.) Signal mirror
Outstanding, KEmSAT-Survival. That's a good looking kit to go along with an excellent knife. I like the contents of your kit.
That looks great. I'm starting a similar build myself, and this gave me some good ideas.

If i might suggest, an ultra compact light. Maybe one of the $1 key fob size ones from County Com. If it won't fit in the tin, add it to the lanyard on the BK13 maybe.
very cool info, some guys dont know where to start, especially when you see the size of the cargo space on the 9&7's sheaths