Thanks Sarge...


Jun 13, 2004
In one of the past sharpening threads, Sarge suggested Gator Grit from Loews. I have been putting together a log cabin and this past weekend started preparing the walls and purlins for finishing. Used some Norton paper and having a rough go of it. I remembered Sarge's recomendation and got some Gator Grit. Man! No comparison. Saved me mucho time and sore muscles. I got some to use on the kuks and can't wait to try it out. Thanks for the tip Sarge.
At the risk of sounding ungrateful, I can't remember, off the top of my head, giving a recommendation on Gator Grit. Indeed, I know it to be good stuff (especially the 600 grit, it's black abrasive on white paper backing, and absolutely rocks when it comes to polishing blades), and I use a good bit of it, but I wouldn't want to take credit for what was likely someone else's tip, wouldn't be honest.

Oops! You are right, it was Longrifle. So thanks Longrifle! And thank you anyway Sarge for all the other good adivice and valuable info you have given on the forum. Your posts are always informative and entertaining.
No harm, no foul, long as the right feller got the credit he deserves. So many great tips to be had here in the forum it does get a bit hard to keep track sometimes.:D
