The Becker, Hiking Stove, Camp Stove, and Cookset/Mess Kit Thread

The Warrior

𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐞 𝐕𝐒𝐀𝐒𝐧𝐠
Mar 11, 2011
Like the title says. Lets see 'em. Make sure to include Becker knives, duh. Guyon reminded me of a thread elsewhere, and thought I'd do one here.

BK14 and Swedish mess kit:



Brunton Raptor, 38oz Guyot, and GSI Outdoors cup:



Brunton Raptor, GSI Outdoors Mini Espresso Maker, and GSI Glacier espresso cup:


14 and Raptor:


BK10 and Raptor:


C'mon Guyon, show me up, haha.
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I like the volcano stoves. Surprised I never picked one up.
I knew this would happen. Not kit yet, but soon will be.

same pillow anyway:

This one doesn't have a piezo ignitor, but I've got a separate one and I'm gonna see if I can hack it in there.
Unfortunately gonna be a while before I can fire it up and get pics...
Good stuff guys, keep em comin'.
Okay, I decided I'm not up for pulling all the stoves and putting them in one pic. I'll rely on archived photos at first, and then I can fill in the blanks as need be.

Alcohol Stoves

So, here we go with some alcohol burners to start.
One of my first was a homemade SuperCat that I made and still own. I used two sizes of cat-food cans to make the stove and the additional stand, which keeps it off the ground and keeps the alcohol warmer.
It's still a solid stove and will burn a couple of cups of water in 6-7 minutes. Very lightweight aluminum and fun to make.


Another favorite alcohol burner is the White Box Solo. I used to pair it with an MSR Titan Kettle, and it worked great. Bill Ballowe is making the new versions of this stove slightly larger these days.
For the White Boxes, I highly recommend the little Prime-Lite priming pans made by Trail Designs (see under the stove below). The pan really speeds up the time by which the stove heats up and blossoms.


I also have the traditional White Box, also now made in a slightly larger version, but I don't see any pics in my archive. Similar stove, but just bigger and a longer burn time.
Bill sent me a really cool prototype to try out as well. I can't post pics of it without his permission, but I might email him and see where that project is.

Also similar, but smaller than the White Boxes, are the now discontinued Gram Weenie and Gram Weenie Pro. These were made by George Carr at the now defunct End2End Trail Supply. I'm not sure I have a pic of a Gram Weenie Pro (though I own a couple), but here's the Gram Weenie. I keep it in a small dedicated hot drink kit. :


Aha! I did find one Gram Weenie Pro pic, with the stove inverted perfectly into the recess on a stainless steel mug.


George has gone on to focus on his ministry, but he made some darn good stoves, and I own several, including the unique prototype he sent me below.


Of course, one mainstay in the alcohol burners is the Trangia stove. I have quite a few configurations in which it gets used, but one of my favorite involves the very simple titanium cross stand made by Evernew. Also shown below are the Trangia (1) with a USMC canteen cup and stove, and (2) with an Esbit kit featuring a Trangia-like (Esbit make) burner.




I have some other alcohol burners (BrassLite, George Carr's Thru-Hiker, some homemade attempts), but no pics. I'll work on those.

Found Fuel Stoves

I have a number of "found fuel" or twig stoves, my favorite of which is probably the Emberlit. Here's the original titanium version paired with a Primus kettle.


I also bought a SS version for a kayak mess kit that fits inside an MSR 1.6L Stowaway.


Another good twig stove is the Backcountry Boiler, the brainchild of Devin Montgomery. This isn't his latest version, which has some design changes.
I actually like the base bowl on this version a little better because it flairs more and I can stake it down with some MSR needle stakes.
BTW, I would never buy the M-Kettle, which is a blatant rip-off of Devin's R&D effort.


I hit a 20% off discount price and free shipping spree at one vendor and wound up with all three Kelly Kettles in stainless.


Another twig stove is the Swiss Volcano, which was going for less than $10 for a while there.


Of course, the Esbit burner seen above can also be pressed into service as a twig stove in a pinch.


Canister Stoves

Okay, quick run down of the canister stoves. First up is a Snow Peak Gigapower titanium with Piezo starter.


Primus Express with Piezo.


The venerable MSR Pocket Rocket.


And the smaller Micro Rocket.


JetBoil PCS.


$5 China stove.


One or two more to come, including the $7 China stove.
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Some preliminary staging will be required. Reserved.

Haha, bring it. I have other stoves and mess kits, mostly that haven't been used. I'll post up more later.
From what I've heard about you and stoves Guyon, I would guess one page isn't gonna hold it all. Better reserve a second.

I don't think mods have the same limits on post length, but I'll reserve this spot just in case. :D
My cheapy camp stove. Works well though:

How about a bedroom post of the $5 river store piezo stove and a Bk9 with and alarmed cat awakened from his slumber by the roar of the flames..


Do I win?
My el cheapo mAkin' bAcon at the Northeast Gathering, maiden voyage. A gift from work (that I chose myself along with a GINORMOUS tent) for my 15 years of servitude. It works, barely. Tough to control the flame though. But hey, if you don't count 15 years of work, it was free! :D

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