The Drop Point Ak Bowie

Aug 11, 2001
Does anyone know if the kamis in Nepal need any help from Santa's elves to get the drop point AK Bowie ready for delivery to the USA in time for Christma this year?

I am in touch with Santa's head elf from time to time and may possibly be able to talk him into pulling a few elves off the Christmas toy production line and send them to Nepal to help the kamis make this happen, if they should be interested in accepting such an offer.

Please submit any info that you may have in relation to the drop point AK Bowie project. I personally think that it would be one of the most useful knives ever built by Himalayan Imports.

J. W. Kilpatrick
I asked Yangdu and she says they're coming, but we don't quite know when- but they are coming. One Kami got sick and we had the holiday, so things were slowed a bit.

Hang in; I'm waiting too.
