the Last Gen 1 Mk 3

well that has sold me on one of your hawks Vec. when you get the new generation handles up and running i will be in touch:D
the saintly Erica-Unit is makin' smashed taters for the "platoon" today, so i am sayin' you are heartlily welcome for her, brother.


I wanted to know what your thoughts were on the BARR hawk head? Are they durable , well made? Easy to get an edge on?
they are well made, and sharp. - very axe-like, not very hawk-like, because of their mass.

i'd like to see them scaled down in the cheeks.

the ones i have had in my hands were a little rough in the eye, but only aesthetics-wise, and we just tried to incorporate that "rusticness" into the finished design after handling it. - the trade is you get a tool that a human being made, and made better than most machines - which i think is a great deal. especially given the price.

there is a little turning of the bit on the longitudinal axis of the hawk head, presumably from heat treat, which is very common in hawks that have changes in volume along their contours. - but they are well within acceptable limits.

i can't make heads that good. :D:thumbup:

- so you have to "average" the spike or poll and the bit when you haft it - but we are talking really, really, really nit-picking here! - it takes a trained eye to spot it, and no one can tell the difference in usage as far as i have experienced so far - and i have tested some real smart brothers on that last aspect BTW.

i would feel happy having a Craig Barr and nothing else, from what i have seen so far - they are functional and things of beauty - so if you like the looks and can stand the weight, i'd say go for it.

he might be making lighter heads by the way, brother - i just don't have experience with those.


I got it today.....tell "E" I said thanks....

and man I wish there was something I could hack with this...mabye I will go hunt a MOO COW because the act like a stupid zombie....

Guys...all I can say is that VECS work is excelent.....I love this damn thing and I just got it a few minutes ago...The picture do it no me a new rifle to punch with and a new hawk to finish them off.....BURN

....uh ...sure ya don't want to just sell it back to me? :D

your bud,

Hey Mr. Vec, any idea on delivery times on the pre-ordered and paid for hawk? I'm heading out for a winter camp this January and would sure like to have me a hawk to play with...
(hope you had a good Thanksgiving and will have a good Christmas too).
Hey Mr. Vec, any idea on delivery times on the pre-ordered and paid for hawk? I'm heading out for a winter camp this January and would sure like to have me a hawk to play with...
(hope you had a good Thanksgiving and will have a good Christmas too).

i'm very optimistic, but there are a lot of landmines between here and there.

kindly send my Erica the dates you will be out, brother.

we will definitely do our best.

announcements and updates soon.

we are so nuts right now. - good nuts, but still nuts.
