The latest in a long line of jackoffs

So that's where you guys get those wondeful designs;)
Hmmmmmm. These knives look eerily familiar, but I can't place the designs. Doesn't Cold Steel make something like this? :rolleyes:
Well, you know what they say about imitation.

I certainly hope you won't loose business from this cheese, but with the latest SnG order sounds like you guys are busy as is.
Not content to merely rip off a design, they decided to spray paint tiger stripes on the blade. However, plans are in the works to add an original title to the blades, which will read "Strawdar Nifes"
Man these guys are a even worst of a rip off than the guys at blade just down from Strider. Fry the Bastages! :grumpy:
For about the cost of legal fees, one could send people that have changed their names about a dozen or so times.
You've GOT to be kidding me!

Well, I'm pretty certain you'll never see them at BLADE!

Oops... I just read one of the previous posts I missed. So there were some other imitators as well at BLADE?!? What balls!
Well those things suck for more reasons then we have space for... Oh well if ya can't beat'em.... GET A BIGGER DAMN BAT!!!
Now thats a huge load!!! Its not bad enough that they are obvious copies, But the Linton Survival Bull%/*#!!!!!!!!!! The Tiger is an awesome and unique design, and I hate to see its design flat out STOLEN! :barf: :mad: Its time to break out the Mick and Dwane AXE and give em 40 wacks!!! or have they stolen that too?:grumpy: Mick, Dwane, give em HELL!!!

Seriously though, I don't get it. Now I know jack all about American law, but isn't this easily sueable? Not that it would cost Strider any bussiness; he who would purchase this crap, would never have bought a Strider anyways, and of course vice versa. Still, the shear insult of so flagrant a ripp-off has to be illegal, right?
