The Skipper Pro

Jun 18, 2000
Well, I just received the Skipper Pro and I was a bit surprised...

Don't get me wrong...I like it for what it is, and it's only my 2nd marlin spike folder.
But I think this might be the Vic with worse bulk/weight-to-tools ratio ever.

It's big! 5 layers with 2 liner lock layers.
Weighing in at 6.9 oz (the Leatherman Super-Tool 300 is 9.6 oz), but the tool list is kinda short:
1) Locking partially serrated blade.
2) Locking marlin spike.
3) Awl/reamer.
4) Can opener/screwdriver.
5) Locking bottle opener/screwdriver/wire stripper.
6) Tweezers.
7) Tooth-pick

3 locking tools is great...but it is big in the hand for sure.

Here is a picture comparison of the Skipper Pro with the Super-Tool 300 and the OH Trekker:

Notice that the Skipper is even wider than the Super-Tool 300, if only by a hair.





If you're looking for a marlin spike folder then the Skipper Pro will certainly deliver.
Just be aware that this is definitely a belt pouch knife and the bulk-to-tools ratio is a little lopsided.
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I guess it needs extra layers to hold the spike.

Is the spike pointy enough to use to open knots on fishing line? I usually just cut out the knots on monfilament but might use a spike for snarls.