There MIGHT be a Leatherman Charge TI on it's way

Jul 19, 2002
I heard from a source :D earlier today that a family member ordered a Leatherman Charge TI (all black) for me as a gift. I've been talking about getting a multi-tool for quite some time, just never have. It's kind of like a flashlight, always wanted one but never got around to getting a non-knife when I've had knife money. Well, I got a SureFire as a 'suprise additional knife' in a partial trade and now absolutely love it. So since there's something coming up that's gift worthy, I've asked for a black Charge TI.

Well now that my hopes are up I'll end up buying one anyway if I don't get it as a gift. So my question is, is there anything bad I need to know about this tool?
I've read reviews, but if you have anything to say feel free. Good and especially bad. Thanks alot.

[Edit] Picture/Info
Some folks are so wild about the inter-changeable bit for jobs that require a longer driver (like those on the old Wave).

That said, I just bought a Charge Ti because of the new bit system, which I think gives you more versatility. Bought the bit kit as well and am looking forward to getting both.