This stinks


Sep 14, 1999
I have some great pictures of my busses getting beaten up, and I can't post them because they are too big. I was informed to crop them down to a smaller size but have not been able to do so. I am not sure I even have anything to do this with. So I had the pictures re-sent to me cropped down to 3X5 and they are still to big. What gives?

Thanks, Jeff:cool:

Do you have a program that can bring down the resolution as well? I usually have to bring down the size as well as the resolution of the pic to get it to fit. I believe it has to be around 100K.....
ACDSee is the program i use, i take my pic and crop close using this. it will take a 500k pic down to 100k saving just the infi. this does not change the resolution.

if you change the resolution just take it to 800x600 and you shouldn't lose much quality.

hope this will help you.
ACDsee baby! get it, love it, nurcher it, hug will return the love...

"Right clickz ze pic", "hitz convert", "samez quality but az stinky saidz, 1/5 the size"...

magic you say!? Nope, just the love that ACDsee generates...INFi love, love of...okay, you get the picture...:p
I think there is more than size going on.
I take my pictures in email mode and I'm still having trouble getting them to post.
Sometimes one will post, then another with a smaller file size won't post.
Then when they don't post the Frick'n server corrupts my file.:mad:
Talk about your "Gold Member":barf: