Three almost blems for 7/18 -- pix & good deals.

Mar 5, 1999
top -- 18.5 inches 35 ounces of Ang Khola by Kumar. Good work. Problem is 1 inch hairline crack in handle at bolster. You can super glue it if you like or use as is. Full guarantee. Nicely done beefly karda and chakma. Same old scabbard & frog by village sarki in new leather. Take it home for an even $100. Very good buy.

center -- 15 inch 1.5 pound perfect AK by Bura. Only thing wrong is grain lines in handle that won't go anywhere but don't look nice. Full guarantee. Beautiful karda and chakma. Same old perfect scabbard and frog by village sarki in new leather. Delivered to your door for $75 -- another best buy.

bottom -- perfect 15 inch 22 ounce AK by Bura. Khukuri is 10/10. Karda and chakma fine. Excellent scabbard & frog by village sarki in new leather but it took a hit during shipment and split the cutting edge about two inches at belly. You can wire wrap, duct tape, leather patch, or use as is if you're careful. Full guarantee. Take it for $75.


  • 7-18-02 -- three almost blems..jpg
    7-18-02 -- three almost blems..jpg
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Somebody buy the 18 inch before I do! Can hardly resist...

BTW, I have the 15" by Bura...lovely! Thanks again, Bill. I try to get pics up soon. Busy...busy...


[corrected spelling]
I really like that bottom AK! How wide is the blade? Uncle Bill how am I going to get out of debt if you keep posting these great knives!?:eek: I still have to pay you for the last khuk you sent me!;)
You little punk!:D ;) :p

That is ok I really need to get a few bills paid! Enjoy your new knife!:)
Great pick shappa!! Had my eye on that one and hoping someone could put me out of my budget-induced misery :)

edit: Originally "budget-induced memory"? Where the heck did that come from? Hopefully I can blame my bad spelling on work-induced misery :D
Glad I could help you out. Now I'll probably be the one in trouble the wife.
Buy a purse from Uncle Bill as well, that will help get the long triangular box into the house without fireworks :D
Got my Bura blem today. It is fantastic! I'm not sure if I would have called it a blemish but I'm very glad Uncle did. It gave me a chance at one that I couldn't have justified otherwise.
I came home and saw the dreaded green slip from the postal guy. I jumped into my truck and took off tracking him down. If I didn't catch him I would of had to wait till Monday afternoon to get it...Not me...I caught him 2 streets down. He saw me coming and had it hanging out his truck window by the time I pulled up to him.:)
I almost pulled it out of the sheath the wrong way I was in such a hurry to see my newest knife.:eek: Last thing I want to do is slice myself.
The first thing I did was take it out to the it really shines!! Don't get me wrong, It was sweet the way it is but now it is perfect. What can I say...I like em shiny.
That this was made by a guy using by todays standards primitive equipment impresses the hell out of me!!
Thanks Uncle Bill

ps What do you use to get the tape residue off of the scabbard?
Gee, saddle soap or any leather treatment should take that off the sheath. If I buy a grinder, can I buy a buffing wheel?

Shappa see if you can find a product called 'Goo Gone.'
I've seen it at WalMart and our local lumber/hardware stores such as Lowe's, Home Depot and the like.
It's good to have around for many uses and will remove the sticky from tape or those little irritateing stick-em tags that almost always seem to have melted on denying anything you use to get the sticky off. Goo Gone will take it off guaranteed.:)
Thanks God, I am already in debt to Uncle !! How can he tease us like this !!

Let me guess - "debt is good""