Three New Shiva Ki Knives

Congratulations. I think that Master Ki makes some of the coolest blades around. People say they are rough but I think they have lots of personality
You've made an amazing score. Are they as sharp as I have heard.
Good luck with them I am sure they will afford you much pleasure.
Wanted to post a pic Shiva recently sent me of a sam steel fightin' bowie.
Sorry for the size of the pic but I'm still having problems posting good images. :foot:
It seems D.Beaucant screwed SK out of some knives and has been selling them as his sam steel models. :thumbdn:
Anywho,Shiva told me the real stuff "looks like maggots crawling up the blade." :eek: :D
Great thread,best I've seen since I've been here. :thumbup: :)

mfaster7,don't know how sharp you've heard they are but they're the sharpest I have had the pleasure of using.

mfaster7, Yes, I have heard and read all the comments about how sharp they are. It is true. The other thing I have heard are they are unbeatable for holding an edge. The Samurai blades are suppose to hold the record for rope cutting. I've seen the documentation and photos of the rope cutting. Shiva Ki was ABS for 15 years. He has also lead a pretty extraodinary life. You should read about some of the things he has done in his lifetime. He was a Ranger in Vietnam. It was his group under his leadership that developed the "HALO" technique. Interesting stuff. I was asked to photograph the blade close up and post. I will do that this weekend.
It's 12 1/2".
In the Custom forum,I got some info on this Dominic Beaucant weasel,he's the guy that did some cutting with Shiva's blades.
He's also the guy that tried to damage Big John Fitch's rep in regards to his blades cutting performance,which ended up not being true.
Shiva asked me to warn people not to buy any of his blades being sold by Mr. Beaucant.
Edited to add:He was Guild for 8 years as well.

Hey fellas. The other day I received a very rare and special opportunity. I learned that Shiva Ki plans to retire "not completely" in about 3 years when his son gets out of the military. His son is currently serving in the Middle East and Shiva has generously "given" 86 combat knives to Special Operations Troops over the past 3 years.
I asked him if he would consider letting me spend some time with him and learn all that he would be willing to to share with me.

This was his reply,
" When you get healed up and are equiped to forge, I would be happy to give you some hands on experience, so you can start off on the right foot rather than having to learn the hard way like most of us did. Once you get the basics from me, you will know enough to learn more, and develop your own style. One always ends up developing their own style. Thats what makes knife making so interesting, theres so many ways to design and makes knives and execute that process.
I will give you the basics, it's up to you to take these basics and make them your own, your own style, your own sence of what you "feel" about edged tools. You make what you love, and there will be others who "feel", love, as you do. Thats my philosophy and that is what has been my guide over the years. It will become your guide as well, at my spirit forge, in the searing heat of the dragons breath, as you make your first pc. of steel by your own hands.
You will be one of a privilaged few as I am not gregarious and only a rare few have had the opportunity to work at my side over the past 30 years. I am a recluse and do not welcome very many visitors. Damn few as a matter of fact. you will be one of those rare few. Good luck on your healing and your dream.

Master Shiva Ki Om Ah O " end quote,

I've been gearing up for a while now and had a nasty accident earlier this year which has set me back physically as well as financially. Hoping that either next spring or fall I can make the trip down to Baton Rouge.

He also wrote in another e-mail
" A week would be an excellent period of time for you to come for. You should be able to laminate and finish two knives in that period of time. Then you will have a good sence of what you are doing. To include making your own sheaths."

I feel very privelaged that Shiva Ki is willing to take me under his wing. I know he is not liked by many here at Blade Forums, but there are just as many if not more that do like him and his work. I can personally say that even for an old warrior such as Shiva Ki his feeling were hurt, but with that behind him he is very happy with the new popularity and recognition his work is achieving.
I can not condemn or deny anyone for what they may or may not have said in the past, but Shiva Ki has been nothing less then a gentleman and a scholar to me.
I very much look forward to the opportunity and cant wait to share my experiences with you all.

Cheers, Art
Excellent opportunity!!! I am jealous. You know I think Shiva was kicked off the Forums because of a lack of knowledge of how the forums worked and lack of internet skills. This is a pretty tight and strict environment and probably for good reason. But I think banning someone for life is a little excessive. I have heard both sides of the story and my feelings have always been to give a second chance. I think he was doing his best to answer questions and maybe his ego got the best of the situation. If I could make a knife like any of these guys I would probably have a bit of an ego too. Anyway, cant wait to hear how class with Shiva goes. Every communication I have had with him he has shown me what a kind person he is and this shows how generous he can be also. I know that he has given almost 90 of his knives away to our solders "Over there". Let us know how it goes!!!!
To say I am excited is an understatement. This is an opportunity of a life time and I only wish I could go sooner. Take care, Art.
Excellent opportunity!!! I am jealous. You know I think Shiva was kicked off the Forums because of a lack of knowledge of how the forums worked and lack of internet skills. This is a pretty tight and strict environment and probably for good reason. But I think banning someone for life is a little excessive. I have heard both sides of the story and my feelings have always been to give a second chance. I think he was doing his best to answer questions and maybe his ego got the best of the situation. If I could make a knife like any of these guys I would probably have a bit of an ego too. Anyway, cant wait to hear how class with Shiva goes. Every communication I have had with him he has shown me what a kind person he is and this shows how generous he can be also. I know that he has given almost 90 of his knives away to our solders "Over there". Let us know how it goes!!!!

Shiva was kicked off the forums for badmouthing other makers and spamming. Period. He took the action to do so and he is responsible for the actions he took.

Time for him and you to realize that those types of actions are not fair to others who are members here. Especially our knifemaker members who manage to show respect for each other and do not spam and do not hold themselves above other makers.

I just want to see one legitimate point from his customers on why that type of behavior should be allowed here and not one has done so. No one has given a reason why it is fair for him to act the way he did. The reason is that it is not fair to allow that type of behavior and there is no legit argument that can be made to allow it.

He is welcome to return, but only if he follows the rules here. Instead he just uses you to show that he does not take responsibility for what he did here. That is a shame. He is a talented maker. Just not the type of maker who I will ever work with personally. To each their own. That is what makes knife collecting what it is.
I also just recieved 3 new knives from Shiva - including two of his own "Firsts". I originally ordered a new "Small Spirit", which he made for me. When he notified me that it was ready, I asked him if he had any others to sell at the moment - and he offered to sell me the two firsts. These knives are 27 years old and have been in his personal possesion since he made them.

Like bhauer - I found him to be very engaging, certainly passionate about his craft, but every bit a professional and a gentleman. He's also a true patriot. Not only is his son presently serving, but Shiva, himself, is ex Army Ranger.

I think his knives, like he himself, are genuine originals, and each is a piece of Art in it's own right. I'm very pleased to be the current caretaker of these fine knives.

I also own one of the few folders Shiva ever made. I purchased this some time back from Dave Stark at Steel Addiction.

Hey Pad2. Welcome to blade forums. Hope you'll post some photos of your Shiva Ki collection. It would be a real treat to see what you have. Take care, Art.
mfaster7, Yes, I have heard and read all the comments about how sharp they are. It is true. The other thing I have heard are they are unbeatable for holding an edge. The Samurai blades are suppose to hold the record for rope cutting. I've seen the documentation and photos of the rope cutting. Shiva Ki was ABS for 15 years. He has also lead a pretty extraodinary life. You should read about some of the things he has done in his lifetime. He was a Ranger in Vietnam. It was his group under his leadership that developed the "HALO" technique. Interesting stuff. I was asked to photograph the blade close up and post. I will do that this weekend.

Are you speaking of the parachuting technique. . . .High Altitude Low Opening ?
Yea, I think so. That is what he was describing anyway. They supposedly jumped out of the aircraft at a high enough altitude that the enemy didnt know they were coming. That is what he told me anyway.
and all this time I was under the impression that Kittinger and the AF developed the technique. :rolleyes:

I must be delusional.
Maybe I misunderstood. I thought he told me when he was a Ranger they were doing it. I'm no expert on these things.
three Shivas...WOW!!! i'm extremely jealous. i love them all. thanks for sharing.

+1....If I ever get a chance to go back to Iraq as a contractor again, guess what I am getting! I have to something like that with me...just makes me feel safe....:D :D

Oh, and I cant forget a couple of Randals either.
