throwing khuks?

As I said in the post, if for some reason you miss or do not kill-meaning incapacitate, and assuming the knife didn't fly twenty feet past the person, then yes, you have both thrown away, and armed an enemy with, a deadly weapon, but as I also said, that person is far more likely to just shoot you for your trouble and keep your kukri as a keepsake. Basically, if you manage to stick ‘em with it, good on you, you made a good choice. If you don't, well, that is when one should take the time to re think their career choices. That said, I have spent much time killing trees and no time throwing sharp things at people, so I could be way out on a limb here. At any rate, didn't mean to rattle your cage.

kuraa pokha, manmaa naraakha
sorry, didn't meant it as a personal attack - I've just seen that particular argument a number of times and it never made any sense to me. I finally decided to question it, and it's just a coincidence that you were there when I stopped being quiet about it.

I would be interested to hear what other people think about what I said, though. :o

PS - I'll admit I've tried to throw my metal-handled 9" bilton once - and quickly concluded that I either needed a wider, taller target, or a broad area not covered in snow. Almost lost the little guy twice before I gave up. Happy to report - no damage whatsoever to the khuk.
Kazeryu I didn’t take it as an attack, I just figured I didn’t adequately explain my position. We should always voice our questions, otherwise how will we learn. I admit I am a bit green on this matter, but I am open-minded and invite those who have a bit more experience to let us know what they think.

kuraa pokha, manmaa naraakha
Personally I think we are comparing apples and oranges here .First up I personally would show up for knife fights with something that goes bang real loud . Second , I proabably wouldn,t show up if that was an option at all .I,ve seen machete and ax victims and wouldn,t fight fair at all . Fair don,t come into it . As I would imagine it doesn,t come into play for most here .