Tip with Fiberglass...G10

Oct 3, 1998
In the G10/Micarta thread, I saw someone comment how working with G10 was like installing fiberglass insulation in the nude. I learned a little tip regarding embedded fiberglass slivers when I was roofing. For the stuff too small for eyes and tweezers to detect, use an old pair of panty hose. Take the panty hose and rub it along where there is fiberglass in your skin, make sure you rub in the same direction, and the fiberglass will be almost entirely removed...any other tips?

Spencer Stewart
I found a product that protects skin from anything from fiberglass to acid, and feels like a lotion. Lasts for 4 hours, drys in 5 mins, non-greasy. I have poured muratic acid on my hands while wearing it, and put up insulation and a miriad of other things.
Stuff works good.
<A HREF="http://www.marketamericausa.com/product/personalcarestore/clearshield.html">Clear Shield</A>
Or mail me for more info.
Yeah i have used stuff sorta like that, i think they are called barier creams.. a lot like lotion, but sorat bonds to the skin, makes washing real easy afterward too.

Just one warning, test a spot on your hand before you really use a lot of the stuff, some people have an adverse reaction to the stuff, also wash your hands before you use it, or else it just traps dirt and stuff in the pores of your skin...
