Tips for a new La Griffe owner?

Oct 12, 1998
I finally got a La Griffe, and it rocks! It's probably the best neck knife for self defense out there. Can you give me some tips on sharpening this knife with the Spydie sharpmaker 204? Thank you.
I just got one this weekend too. I'm really impressed with it. More than I thought I would. I'm not a huge kneck knife fan but this one works. I'm sure I'm not saying anything that hasn't been said here already.
Mr.Blonde, try doing a search of the Emerson forum for "La Griffe" and you'll probably find some helpful tips. And I agree, the Griffe is awesome! Everything a neck knife should be, IMHO.
Welcome to the fold. I am glad that you like your Griffe.

Sharpening is the same as the Commander with the Spyderco. I like to color in the edge with a black felt pen. This will show you just where you are taking off the material. I have found that holding the knife a few degrees to the right of vertical is about right. Stroke the knife along the stone until you feel a burr develop. Once you have raised a burr, take the knife just a few degees above flat on the opposite stone to knock the burr down. Alternate LIGHT strokes as outlined above to complete the process. For a eally fine edge, you can strop the knife on the back of a legal pad.

Let us know how you fare.

I used a cardboard tube to strop mine today. It was similar to the core of a paper towel roll, but a bit heavier. I suppose one could glue some leather to a broom handle or similar round stick and use that as a strop too.

Paul Davidson

Them:"What's that clipped to your pocket, a beeper?"
Me:"Uuh....yeah, something like that."
