Titanium anodization NEW tip

Oct 4, 1998
I kinda threw together a few tips today and had something strange happen, my experiment worked!!!

I had a jeweler tell me that powdered cascade had more Phosphate in it than TSP, and would give me a brighter anodize,so I went to try it for an anodizing solution... Had a couple of problems as it was putting a strange marbleized finish on the Ti, kinda neet but NOT what I was looking for...

SO, i figured the marbleizing was from too much cascade in the solution. So, I put together a couple of paper towels and draped a coffee filter over the lowest point and FILTERED the cascade solution, kinda thick so it took a while. Keep in mind I had enough cascade disolved in solution that no more would desolve (supersaturation). The filters ended up taking out all the blue colorant as well as most of the thickening agents in the cascade. Ended up kinda like a heavy yellowish fluid...

Tried again and had the same kind of marblizing that the first atempt gave me BUT was in 2 colors not one... so, I figured the solution was STILL too concentrated and had higher concentrations in spots...

Well the part that actually worked right was adding 1 TABLESPOON of this solution to distilled water 32Oz. perfectly clear.. And gives a WIDE range of colors at a lower voltage than the TSP solution that I was using.. Usually i have to go 4-5 volts to see a difference in color.. with the cascade solution I am going .2-.3 volts and seeing a difference in shade!

So if its control of color you are looking for try something different than the normal TSP solution!!

Try it!! I went from 32 discernable colors to over 60!!

Next I am going to try to get something to turn Ti BLACK!:) ( except for spray paint)

Alan Folts
Thanks Alan
that was very intresting
I think I'm mixing to much TSP to water content..with mine
now I need to try the cascade :D
the wife will never in a m/years know where it went lol :D
Alan,on my anodizer I can get black at a very low volt aound 5or6 volts
if I go up to 7or8 I get a bronze color,I wonder if it just my anodizer
Nathan, mine starts at a real light bronze and goes brown from there...

I am looking for a deep dark black! It would look sweet with hot blued damascus!:)
