Titanium cutting boards are the next big thing

Big Dave

Gold Member
Dec 18, 1998
Any of you guys married with wives that buy crap that makes no sense?

My wife was talking about buying some titanium cutting boards. I told her they would dull the knives but the advertising is saying titanium is softer than steel and won't dull them. On Amazon these things are selling like hotcakes and have high reviews.

Titanium cutting boards are stupid, right? Or, am I an old school ding dong?
Stupid. I saw an ad on that book of faces and started to comment, then decided better to not. They’ll have some cockamamie write up. Reading other comments only verified my thoughts. People will buy that load of crap and buy that crap.
Up to 65% off!!! Holy ****!!!

But seriously, the seller points out that cutting boards made of glass, stone, or steel will dull your knives much faster than these titanium ones. So if your only choices for your cutting board are glass, stone, steel, or titanium, then suddenly a titanium cutting board is starting to look like a pretty sweet proposition!
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Up to 65% off!!! Holy ****!!!

But seriously, the seller points out that cutting boards made of glass, stone, or steel will dull your knives much faster than these titanium ones. So if your only choices for your cutting board are glass, stone, steel, or titanium, then suddenly a titanium cutting board is starting to look like a pretty sweet proposition!
Huh. New invention: wood or plastic cutting boards! I'll be rich!
it's says pure titanium in the description and then look at the pic and what it says......so confused..

maybe it's just a chyna mystery/potmetal cutting board?

I’ve heard people claim brass won’t dull steel because it’s softer. Brass can definitely mangle an edge. Titanium is harder than brass.

Cutting board? Plastic or wood. Cutting on a plate? Plastic or wood.
Hestan Nanobond cookware hypes their titanium coating as being so hard that it's difficult to scratch the pans. I still use a plastic cutting board for meat (dishwasher makes cleaning/sanitizing easier) but mostly stick to my teakwood board for most things. Some feel that even teak is too hard on knives. I used a Boos end grain board for years and that was fine too. A titanium cutting board? Um, no.
That is so funny - where has common sense evaporated to haha ?
If you`re gonna chop and slice on any hard boards - you`re gonna get a dull edge in no time that`ll need a frequent touch-up n`est ce pas ?
So, what`s the solution ? - use old-fashioned wood and plastic boards or just trash cheap or dear knives on your new Ti board - some people are hilarious.
If silly housewives etc get those Titanium boards on the big river site knife sales will rocket as well because you can bet your bottom dollar that most of them don`t have a clue how to sharpen a knife - probably got a pull-through effort if they`re lucky haha !
Teak, like olive wood CSG , bamboo and a lot of especially African, Asian and Australian hardwoods look lovely but are not that practical because it has loads of silica in it and is high up on the Janka wood hardness scale.
I have an old Ikea pine board that is severely gouged but is kinder to knives; even my American walnut board is not too hard.
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Yep you`re so right AusLoX AusLoX - the enforced switch to high and low density polyethylene from wood was a big con from the get go - the governments just buried the data about much less bacteria in wood boards compared to plastic for commercial expediency and profit.
it's says pure titanium in the description and then look at the pic and what it says......so confused..

maybe it's just a chyna mystery/potmetal cutting board?

It`s coated soft cutlery grade 304 stainless isn`t it AusLox and jbmonkey ? solid titanium would cost a bomb - hundreds - haha !
There`s a new one born every minute as they say.
Without looking it up I`m guessing solid titanium is much softer than hardened glass - top steels are about 6-7 , pure Ti is less than 3 but the steel beneath the coated Ti boards is too hard - not a good combo lol.
Personally I`d rather eat wood debris than bits of titanium - more natural - no heavy metal haha !
I have this lovely glass board used for serving mostly but I`d only use cheap crappy knives like this on it.
I am used to el-cheapo knives as Larrin Thomas says - blade geometry and proper heat-treat is more important than steel composition.
It also helps if you have knife / sharpening skills for inside and outside for 5+ decades - no choice with me lads - chucked in the deep end lol !
Just last week I chopped over 80 kg of onions alone and I`m just a volunteer helping the homeless - not as bad as the Winter ; with this £10 worn-out carbon chopper !

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It`s coated soft cutlery grade 304 stainless isn`t it AusLox and jbmonkey ? solid titanium would cost a bomb - hundreds - haha !
There`s a new one born every minute as they say.
Without looking it up I`m guessing solid titanium is much softer than hardened glass - top steels are about 6-7 , pure Ti is less than 3 but the steel beneath the coated Ti boards is too hard - not a good combo lol.
Personally I`d rather eat wood debris than bits of titanium - more natural - no heavy metal haha !
I have this lovely glass board used for serving mostly but I`d only use cheap crappy knives like this on it.
I am used to el-cheapo knives as Larrin Thomas says - blade geometry and proper heat-treat is more important than steel composition.
It also helps if you have knife / sharpening skills for inside and outside for 5+ decades - no choice with me lads - chucked in the deep end lol !
Just last week I chopped over 80 kg of onions alone and I`m just a volunteer helping the homeless - not as bad as the Winter ; with this £10 worn-out carbon chopper !

Is that a fancy turntable being used as a cutting board :eek:, or a cutting board that looks like one ...or ? :confused:

Do you like those Brazil made knives ?
it's says pure titanium in the description and then look at the pic and what it says......so confused..

maybe it's just a chyna mystery/potmetal cutting board?

There appear to be a few "real" titanium versions and lots called ti for the suckers. Sort by price.
Any of you guys married with wives that buy crap that makes no sense?

My wife was talking about buying some titanium cutting boards. I told her they would dull the knives but the advertising is saying titanium is softer than steel and won't dull them. On Amazon these things are selling like hotcakes and have high reviews.

Titanium cutting boards are stupid, right? Or, am I an old school ding dong?
You are right as rain ...but be careful in how you tell the wife ! ;)