Titanium ninja sword from the year 2097


Titanium Bladesmith
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Dec 27, 2013
At BLADE show 2019 I was walking around with an unfinished "ninja sword from the future." It was shown in the @JParanee Diskin booth video, starting at 37:40

This sword was made for fun and the love of titanium swords and ninjas. Here's what became of it.

24" of hardened titanium-niobium blade (with collar), and 31" oal at 1 lb 1.5 oz in weight.

The tip is a lot more pointy, which several people at BLADE said they would like to see.




Some new things were tested, such as welding the blade collar directly to the guard, and stamping the maker's mark into the guard, with mixed results. All of the metal parts of the hilt are 6al4v titanium, and are welded together.



The two alloys used are punched into the back of the guard.


The sword is a little scratched up and was a bit of a guinea pig, so while it might not be perfectly and beautifully finished, it has a great personality!


It also loves to cut:

Even with several hard glancing blows and deflections on some very tough bamboo, the blade shows no damage, rolling, or warping, and was still nice and sharp.

DAMN I love me some titanium swords. :confused:

Thanks for looking!
That’s a great looking sword. I like the pointy tip and I like the handle quite a bit as well.

Hopefully the ninja you took that off of at least still has a Waki not to be left defenseless.
That’s a great looking sword. I like the pointy tip and I like the handle quite a bit as well.

Hopefully the ninja you took that off of at least still has a Waki not to be left defenseless.

The ninja was blown to smithereens by a Syndicate hovertank when his active invisi-armor batteries ran out of juice. Luckily, the sword was left virtually unscathed by the plasma cannon round, so I snagged it and ran.
never been much of a sword fella, more a big knife or machete fella.......but thats pretty f'ing awesome there. gonna have to rethink on whether I'm gonna be a sword fella one day....
There is cool, super-freaking cool and THAT!
Very knice, sir.
You try to show off your ninja sword that you brought back from future Japan in the year 2097, and out of the woodwork come the unbelievers who think you're full of it. Internet sword experts and materials scientists have, as usual, been busily sowing the seeds of doubt about my claims concerning this sword. Can you even? I can't even. I just can't. It's like they really think I'm just outright lying about it.

Specifically, that it can not be used as shown in the video without some sort of nasty edge damage. That "titanium" can not and will not ever make a usable sword blade, can not handle impact, will not stay sharp. So I took a few photos of the blade after the video, in attempt to show that the blade was undamaged, straight, and sharp after the cutting tests.









Now comes the part where they'll say that the blade was somehow fixed afterwards, or resharpened, or is made of steel and not titanium. :rolleyes:

I ain't even mad tho. c'est la vie.

Thank goodness for Bladeforums where people are open and interested in new things within the world of blades, even ravenous for them. Also, strangely enough, the Instagram people are quite nice about it. That Facebook tho, holy crap it's a hornet's nest of wrong information forcefully asserted by supposed subject matter experts. Yowza!
Keep fighting the good fight Sammy, they'll get shown the light soon enough:thumbsup:

These people don't understand alloys and heat treatment at all...they think everything titanium is CP or 6-4. Like duh...iron makes a crappy Blade but if you add a few things and bake it right, voila...super steel;)
Keep fighting the good fight Sammy, they'll get shown the light soon enough:thumbsup:

These people don't understand alloys and heat treatment at all...they think everything titanium is CP or 6-4. Like duh...iron makes a crappy Blade but if you add a few things and bake it right, voila...super steel;)

Damn right! :D I mean jeez, what's it gonna take to convince random people on the internet that I brought back a ninja sword from 2097 and used it to cut hard bamboo without edge damage? /shrug
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Screwwwww em I say.
Don't waste your time on them. Bring the good stuff right here to the BF community

I can't say "screw 'em." They like swords and they must understand that there is even more to these things they like than thought! They are sword people, and someday they will ALLLLL....shrug and say, "Well I'll be damned, I guess titanium can make a sword after all." :mad::D
Well maybe a passaround is in order for these non ninjas from the past. Who refuse to believe in the future.