TM1 User Reviews?

Feb 15, 2014
Just curious to see what people think of the TM1 after a few months of use, etc. How are they holding up...any issues / concerns, praise, etc.?
I have a carbon fiber model and while I've had it for a few months it's seen no use. I've flipped it a bit though and have been impressed by the smoothness and solid lock up from an apparent traditional lock back style action. The .25" lockbar may have something to do with that. Overall its a little thick but is very light and sturdy.
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I appreciate your response. I'm surprised that there's not more feedback / reviews on this knife. Seems like a solid, well built hard use folder. I'm interested in seeing how Lionsteel's lockback holds up to some decent use.
are all done to be used as near as possible to a fixed blade. I use a TRE and is an elegant user, solid enogh to be used raw but with a edc attitude. The TM are elegant and more strong and built for intensive use.
Used one for about a month before I sold it - it was solid as a rock. Probably one of the smoothest lockbacks I've ever used. The Sliepner steel held up pretty well too.