• The BladeForums.com 2024 Traditional Knife is ready to order! See this thread for details: https://www.bladeforums.com/threads/bladeforums-2024-traditional-knife.2003187/
    Price is $300 ea (shipped within CONUS). Now open to the forums as a whole. If you live outside the US, I will contact you after your order for extra shipping charges. If there are customs issues? On you.

    User Name
    Serial number request

To Joe Houser

Messersmith, we need your US dollars, man, so come on up...

I need to get up to Clare's Cycle and see if they have a used or NOS tank & seat for a 67 Honda CB450 "Black Bomber", but my passport expired (just sent in the renewal; waiting for it to come back now) and since I drive a Canadian-spec Xterra I don't want to push my luck just yet... :rolleyes:
I need to get up to Clare's Cycle and see if they have a used or NOS tank & seat for a 67 Honda CB450 "Black Bomber", but my passport expired (just sent in the renewal; waiting for it to come back now) and since I drive a Canadian-spec Xterra I don't want to push my luck just yet... :rolleyes:

Those 450 twins are the bomb!!!!
Put a Buck on it somewhere to keep it forum-happy ;)
I think the most interesting thing about our little unpleasantness in 1812 is how it changed southern dominance in the American Congress. All the hawks were from the south. All the doves were from northern states. The northern states never really wanted the conflict. They were doing very nicely trading cross border with British North America. Also, most of the people who lived in Upper Canada, Ontario today, where Loyalists who had moved here after the American Revolution. That means that they had lots of friends and family still living in the northern states. Bottom line is that the north didn’t really want the fight and weren’t very keen to support it. This is probably what saved us in the end.
So, why did the south want to fight? The early Congress, before this time, had been a southern club. When the economy of the United States was largely agrarian the south was the most economically strong sector of the country and their strength in Congress reflected this. As the north became more industrialized the economic strength shifted and gradually the south saw their power in Congress slipping away. The War of 1812 is really the last time the south forces the north to do something that they don’t want to do. America’s internal strife probably had as much to do with saving my nation as any force of arms ever did.
It takes another 50 years but the War of 1812 is the opening act of the American Civil War. It is interesting to think that the south may have felt that they could win the Civil War because of the north’s poor showing in 1812. In the end the south was being silly. They saw what they wanted to see and it cost them.
A lot of people think that Canadian history is dull. Thank goodness our neighbors to the south liven it up sometimes.
Hmmmm and I thought the war of 1812 (between the USA and England) was a result of the British hijacking US ships and capturing US sailors and forcing them into british service. It's also good to note that the "White House" got its name due to the white wash that was used on it after the British burned it. Its also the war when Francis Scott Key wrote the Star Spangled Banner while imprisoned on a British war ship in Baltimore harbor. I may be missing something but I really can't see a connection with what brought on the civil war. (states' rights and more specifically the legality of slavery)
Ya know, hate to break it to you guys, but this is NOT a 1812 Thread.
It is a Honda 450 Thread.
Trax! Pics!

I don't see how the Japanese, or Honda specifically, is respobsible for the Civil War, Buckaholic. :p

yeah...what the rabbit said,

Those guys were still running around with their ginsu swords in 1812....and their Honda's had 4 legs.

I don't see how the Japanese, or Honda specifically, is respobsible for the Civil War, Buckaholic. :p

Wasn't Colonel Harland Sanders [KFC] the one who started that??? :confused:

He sure looks Japanese... :grumpy:


I'm sure I read that Col Sanders sent his KamiKaze bombers against the ships anchored in port at Charleston harbor...
Ya know, hate to break it to you guys, but this is NOT a 1812 Thread.
It is a Honda 450 Thread.
Trax! Pics!;)

Ya know how something is so ugly, it's beautiful??? Like
a Norton Atlas...or a Harley KR-TT???...Or a CB450 Black Bomber...

I see Joe must be out testing knives somewhere,must be nice .lol

I was in contact with Joe yesterday, I don't think he is having fun :(
Maybe he ate some Peter pan peanut butter??????
He was in for a couple hours only, he has been out of the "office" all week sick, and will hopefully be back to work next week.

Patience razor, he'll take care of your knife ;)

Get well soon Joe!!!!! :D
Maybe this will keep us from getting axe'd by Joe. By the way, nice bike Trax. Do you have snow tires for it? I hear you guy's got hammered.
Ya know, hate to break it to you guys, but this is NOT a 1812 Thread.
It is a Honda 450 Thread.
Trax! Pics! ;)
Sorry Goose, :o
But I thought it was a warranty thread! :D Since I don't have any warranty issues, Honda discussions are cool! Oh yeah, I don't have a Honda either. :(
Maybe he ate some Peter pan peanut butter???

I know what that feels like... :barf:

My jar is still sitting on my cupboard...the local supermarket will exchange it for a new one, but from now on, I eat only Jif!!! :o
I know what that feels like... :barf:

My jar is still sitting on my cupboard...the local supermarket will exchange it for a new one, but from now on, I eat only Jif!!! :o

I don't know how big of a problem this was but ours is also on the cupboard, Thank goodness we didnt have any yet!!! I never expected to have the same 4 first #'s they were recalling!

Jif or Skippy it is! :D
Here's my jar...It took my brain a while to connect "peanut butter alert" and "Where's the bucket!"... :rolleyes:

(OK, I stuck a Buck knife in there to make it on-topic! It's my Mayonnaise knife, but works with peanut butter, too!) :D
Where did you come up with that Buck knife?
Nice, beefy looking!!
I also noticed the Peanut butter is almost gone... :(
When I make a PBJ, I stick 3 or 8 knifefulls in my big mouth, too... :barf:

The knife is Buck's "Mayonnaise Spreader" - the 446BR...

...I think I saw a monster 446BR like that for sale on "PeaBay" a few weeks back...That thing holds a lota peanie butter...I hated to toss my chunky "Honey Peanut" 2111 butter in the trash...:(