Todd Begg

Feb 27, 2003
The usual searches have failed. Anyone know if he has a website or dealer representative? Thanks.
It seems that Todd's web site is under construction. I am not sure of any contact info. He won the Best Fantasy Knife award at the 2003 Las Vegas Classic knife show. There was a report on this show on Blades International's web site; here is a link.

Maybe if you contact them they will be able to help you get in contact with Todd.

If any of the knife magazines have covered the Las Vegas Classic they might have included cotact info for Todd. I haven't seen any articles as of yet, but I only really check out Blade magazine.
Originally posted by UW Mitch
His knives are great and is a great guy to work with.


Agreed :)...I met Todd at the Vegas Show. Man that fantasy knife was something. Not my taste, but a simply gorgeous piece of work, and a very nice guy...
Bare with his site being under construction... it's worth the wait! I ran into him at last year's OKCA show, and then again at the NWKC show in Puyallup... I scored two of his fixed blades with stag handles from when he was in Arizona (?)... awesome work and well worth waiting for!