Trackrock Hammer in spring 2016


Nov 13, 2012
Once again, there was a great time to be had at trackrock hammer in. From pounding steel, talking knives, seeing old friends, and msking new ones, once again one of my favorite events. The knowledge shared, stories told, tomes had, all ways stay with me. Such a great time. In addittion, i was able to do something that I love. This go around, I was able to hand deliever a few knives to customers ( more importantly, they are not customers, friends!) which always brings a smile to my face. Another great part of the trip is that me and some of the other crew at Fiddleback get to hangout outside of the shop. Here are a few pics from the weekend. Please add any you have.

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Here is a war hammer I picked up from CREx and a minature from Dennis Bradley, my recurve fighter and the one I just finished ( Bill quickly snatched, lol) left side knife I forged from part of a pipe wrench and top right one Bill forged from a pipe wrench and Andy ground. Various curlyqs done by me, Bill, Rick Lowe, Blaine, and Tony.

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Phillip (Vance) messing with his machete

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Cool shot of the fighters on old rusty army truck

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The northener warming his fight by the fire this moring, lol

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Julian ( bear71) on left discussing tge next step for his wrench knife with Rick Lowe on tge right.

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Andy looking over his fatwood treasure

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Just a good ole pocket dump of sorts

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Phillip using my "Aripima" to prep some onions and bell peppers while Blaine (swonut), Andy, and Justin( southern gent) supervise.

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Tony (luca917) pounding out a curlyq on an inlander for the first time

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A great time around the fire last nite!

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Andy inspecting Lilly's choice of materials she won on the iron in the hat table.

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Carl (crex) taking a turn pounding on a recluse blank that I had decided to reshape and forge.
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Bud (bonafide) holding the knife in progress for Bill (bill510c) while he smacks the heck out of it!

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View from our front porch

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Andy taking a turn trying out my "aripima". He really liked the knife! I think Phil is going to do a separate write-up on it soon.
My turn!

My new bog oak Huntsman. Hand delivered by Allen. Absolutely beautiful! I completely love this knife!

Yup...Allen patiently tolerating abuse from the veterans, and stupid questions from the newbie.


Phillip surprised me with the Fiddleback machete I ordered. My boy Luca picked up this beautiful knife from Carl. And I may have to miss work tomorrow just so I can carry my Huntsman around.
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Luca917 & Allen checking out their progress


Allen hammering a CurlyQ. Swonut just out of frame on the left. Luca917 giving close inspection with bill510c looking on.


bear71 making a sweet knife from a open end wrench.


My daughter hammering out her first knife with assistance from Scout (Crex protege')

...The more pics...the more fun I realize I had!

I guess I better go back and add captions to mine.
Pics from Trackrock

Group shot

Andy had the job of finishing his “Friday” grinding. He was also around to ground the knives for the the folks that had completed one

Here Scout is giving a hand to Luca(back turned & blue jacket)

A pic of a pic

Bill510c hammering out a Curly-Q

Bear71 checking something out

Rick Lowe, Allen, Bill, Julian’s wife(forgot the spelling even though he told me….twice & Tony

Allen helping out Tony

Friday is winding down & Swo, Sounthern gent & crex share some stories

Off to the cabin



Here Andy is trying to dig up a stump w/ my machete

The Chef & Sous Chef Friday night

Aropima was the knife of choice









Saturday evening Bill & myself were tasked w/ a campfire





These pictures are awesome. I have to make it to one of these events. Looks like a lot of fun. So, is the Arapaima a larger version of the Arowana with an Outlander handle? Definitely looks like a blade I want in my stable. Same goes for the new Patch knife. :D
These pictures are awesome. I have to make it to one of these events. Looks like a lot of fun. So, is the Arapaima a larger version of the Arowana with an Outlander handle? Definitely looks like a blade I want in my stable. Same goes for the new Patch knife. :D
im not sure what its based on.....i just call it his Zombie chopper.
It was a hit w/ everyone. Andy even got into chopping w/ it
These pictures are awesome. I have to make it to one of these events. Looks like a lot of fun. So, is the Arapaima a larger version of the Arowana with an Outlander handle? Definitely looks like a blade I want in my stable. Same goes for the new Patch knife. :D

Correct, the Aripima came first. I needed a big chopper in the mix and based the handle off the Outlander. The arowana followed shortly. I love chopping with these. I have only completed two and offered the red one up a month or two ago. They are in 5/32" and sweet! They both have homes now, but more will come. It is in my current line-up thread.
im not sure what its based on.....i just call it his Zombie chopper.
It was a hit w/ everyone. Andy even got into chopping w/ it

Correct, the Aripima came first. I needed a big chopper in the mix and based the handle off the Outlander. The arowana followed shortly. I love chopping with these. I have only completed two and offered the red one up a month or two ago. They are in 5/32" and sweet! They both have homes now, but more will come. It is in my current line-up thread.

I have no idea how I missed this knife. I'm not sure there is a picture of it in the current lineup thread, however. Still, a knife of that level of awesomeness rarely slips by me. :D
/here is a better pic w/ a sheath from "knifeleather" aka Mark Condos
who has some Fiddleback sheaths up in our forum.

/here is a better pic w/ a sheath from "knifeleather" aka Mark Condos
who has some Fiddleback sheaths up in our forum.


That is another great pic. I just picked up one of Mark's Hiking Buddy sheaths. Is the one in the pic Hiking Buddy size?
That is another great pic. I just picked up one of Mark's Hiking Buddy sheaths. Is the one in the pic Hiking Buddy size?


its a tad smaller

i will get a pic tonight when i get home
/here is a better pic w/ a sheath from "knifeleather" aka Mark Condos
who has some Fiddleback sheaths up in our forum.


Man that's sweet. I'll be interested to see the comparison. I really like the blade shape.