Trip to Gran Quivira, New Mexico

Aug 21, 2011
Here are some pictures of my trip.




Thanks John!

What is the story on the ruins and all the pottery shards?

That telescope mount is larger than you are!

Did you do any photography through the telescopes?

Thanks for sharing your pictures - did people think you were a little nutty for taking pictures of your knife in the scenery? I sometimes get funny looks.....


What an incredibly gorgeous area! I love the shots of the old ruins, I`ve always been interested in archeology, looks like a great area for it. Thanks for sharing!
I had captions but they didn't come out with the pictures, so here is some info.

Pithouses seen here are one of three phases of cultures living here. The upper rooms seen here represent the Late Phase which were built in AD 1551-1670. These rooms were built on top of the Middle Phase rooms (AD 1400-1500) and the Early Phase rooms dating back to AD 1300-1400,which were occupied by Tompiro Indians.One of four cultures to live there. Occupation of this area began long ago. The pithouse village dates from AD 700 to about 1300. At its peak about 1,500 or more people lived here. Newer Church in background,built by Spanish in 1659.

Shards of Anasazi Indian painted pottery can be found scattered around the Ruins. Dated back to AD 1150. This Pueblo city was a trading center between the Pueblo's and Plains Indians.

The views were from our back yard, including the deer. We rented the house which was an unoccupied forest ranger house.

I don't do astrophotography but I sketch every object I observe. It seems more relaxing for me.

My JK Trapline does great archeology.

Andy, I think I'm already classified as a little nutty for standing around in the dark every night:)

If you look closely you can spot my knife sitting in the stone wall of the new church on the first photo on post#4

Lastly for KYenglish, I have more photos :)
John S.
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That looks like a great change of scenery!
Thank you for sharing the photos.
Are the deer about the same size as the ones around here?
Hi John,those are most of my good photos, I'll look to see if I have any more worth posting.
I added captions on post #13
The deer are large and robust, I would say most were about the size of the largest size we see in Illinois. Plenty of wildlife, jackrabbit, roadrunners, coyotes etc. I saw some smaller size cat paw prints but being from Ill. I couldn't tell what they were, (not a house cat). I've herd talk of an occasional mountain lion or bear but I never saw or her one on all the times I've been there. Bear scat has been seen.
John S.
Love the star shots!

My only question is...didn't you bring a knife?:D

Thanks for the great pics,I always wanted to go wander around in the desert.