tunnel rats and Kukuries

Great story, thanks for posting the link. Fantastic writing, you can almost smell the troll with the crowbar!

But I won't give away the story...... sure is worth reading though

Bill Marsh
I see the ramifications from Hunter S Thompson are not dead yet in journalism.

Flooding and Black widows would keep me from spending the night there. Flash floods in Vegas have swelled the streets with water after the storm drains can't handle any more.

I can't help but think any 12 to 16 year old in the City would know more about those drains then the reporters...

You know...a python would do very well there...hmm...a fitting species introduction to the City of Grief.

give the inhabitants something to talk about, and a use for the Khukuris...

Lived here all my life, never been in the drains.
But against a python, I damn well better get a 1187 over a HI knife. Dont get me wrong,good blades, but I dont want to get that close :)
Yeah. Pythons are big and bite as they wrap themselves around. Wonder if Bill has any python stories...

I used to have a 10 foot Burmese Python and a 9 foot Indian Python. Not bad pets all in all, but I like my rabbits better. I used to feed rabbits to my pythons and now I keep them as pets over the snakes. Go figure.
Yeah, I owned an Iguana for a while, and it was a pain in the butt. Ornery critter, obviously related to chickens, has that same "hatred for mammals" look in its firey iris. Dog oener now, much better!

En Ferro Veritas
neighbor's dog got carried away by a cougar. She heard it whining, went outside, and the whine just got farther and farther away, disapearing into the hills.

I got an ant mound the size of a basketball. They ignored the sure fire home remedy someone gave me, and think the little ant traps are gazebos.
