
Hello Clyde,

The Twistmasters are good genreal purpose work knives. Though they are pretty simple in design, their twisting bolster lock mechanism is very strong and the lockup is extremely solid, feels very much like a fixed blade. Two things I have noticed about brand new, straight-out-of-the-box Twistmasters:

1) The twisting bolster lock mechanism is hard to actuate. I discovered that in order to get the steel collar to loosen, it needs to be worked many times and then it will loosen gradually.

2) Blade is difficult to open/close. Just like the twisting bolster lock mechanism, the blade needs some "play time" to loosen the action a bit, but will still remain stiff for safety reasons.

Overall, the Twistmasters' checkered Zytel handles provide a more secure grip and is more durable than other knives of this style with wooden handles. Look for a full review of the Twistmaster in a future issue of Knives Illustrated® magazine.