Uncle Bill is going back to home.

Safe journey Yangdu. Knowing that Uncle Bill is going back to his hearts home is comforting to me. May we all be lucky enough to have someone like you to help us complete our journey at our own end of days here on earth.

Take care and have a peaceful trip and visit. I can promise we will all be here when you return. I hope you will take some pictures of Nepal to share with us!

Best regards as always,

May your journey be safe and peaceful, Yangdu. We'll be thinking of you and Uncle Bill.
Be safe, please. We are all with you, and we will wait for you to come back.

My regards, smokes and prayers are with you and Uncle Bill.
It is a journey without distance for Bill. Have a pleasant trip. Many good memories of Bill. :)
Have a safe trip, we are constanly thinking of you Yangdu, Uncle Bill would be proud of us All I think.
