Unspeakable evil after Tsunami.

Aug 7, 2004
Just heard from my boss that orphans from the Tsunami are being sold into the child sex trade...

What kind of world is this? I feel sick. Straight past anger and right into depression. I just can't understand it.

I just hope that whatever type of sick F**k looks at that stuff/buys it hears about this and understands what his money supports.Evil. Pure and simple.

Want to know where Satan is right now? Southeast Asia...
Reminds me of the creatures that were making up fake charities after the 9-11 attacks. There will always be opportunist vultures to exploit tragedies like the tsunami orphans, it seems. :mad:

This was going on there prior to the tsunami. Thailand in particular. There were(are still?) bars in Bangkok that cater to all manner of sexual appetites. It was/is a huge industry there. This catastrophe looks to make it bigger. Bangkok was/is an international destintation for "sex tour vacations". People from all over the world head there to have their lusts satisfied. Most of the people working in the industry were/are underaged orphans forced to be sex slaves. They are sold into it by their own families in many cases.
An image that stains my eyes is the one with the Ugly American on Holiday. Maybe he's not ugly, maybe he's on a business trip, but at some point the opportunity to buy a little boy or girl for an hour seems acceptable in the environment he's in. The old values don't count, things seem different here, so he acts. When he comes home he has some guilt, but puts it away from his thoughts.

He tells himself he was gentle, and the child will eat better for a day or two because of his money. He tells himself she liked it, or that her life was hopelessly screwed anyway so what's the difference?


ps- Good to See You, Rob!
I know what you mean, Rob. There have been several stories coming in about sex trade and gang rape. Can you imagine? Having you whole life washed away before your eyes. Losing your parents and your siblings. Becoming an orphan with nowhere to go and no food to eat, exhausted from swimming and clinging for your life....only to be brutalized by some evil bast***s in such an evil way. It's sickening.

The children in those countries deserve better, like an 18 hour day in a sweat shop making shirts for WalMart - like the one I'm wearing right now.
Ben, your post makes little sense to me. Any work, however exploitive, is preferrable to being whored out. Using the Tidal Wave survivor's agony as an opportunity to slam Corporate capitalism and shop labor isn't right. No big deal, though. It sounds like just another opportunity to give or recieve White Man's guilt.

The real point is tidal wave or no, many people, maybe most people on Earth have it rough, rougher than anything you or I have had to put up with in the States.

Sadly, one can only guess what percentage of aid will be diverted & sold due to corruption. Look at Somalia- the world gave, the warlords stole & sold. Though their own people were dying of starvation.

Even here it happened with the 911 ripoffs. :( :barf:

If human moral conscience is evolving, it's taking a real long time.

Wasn't there a fake report of a 2nd tsunami, then looters broke into the homes of those who fled?

Ad Astra
munk said:
Ben, your post makes little sense to me. Any work, however exploitive, is preferrable to being whored out. Using the Tidal Wave survivor's agony as an opportunity to slam Corporate capitalism and shop labor isn't right. No big deal, though. It sounds like just another opportunity to give or recieve White Man's guilt.

The real point is tidal wave or no, many people, maybe most people on Earth have it rough, rougher than anything you or I have had to put up with in the States.


I think working an 18 hour day for pennies is being whored out. And yes, I agree Munk, that using the tsunami as an opportunity for anything other than dealing with the tsunami is inappropriate (i.e. profit, political gain, etc...). However, I think Ben's point was that people get exploited all the time, just in many different forms. And that our actions here can very easily support exploitation without us even knowing it.

I would think that is one of the reasons we all like HI so much - because we know that our money is going directly to people who make the products and need the income. We are helping support, in a very good way, the livelihood and culture of people quite far removed from us.


~ B
Bamboo said:
I think working an 18 hour day for pennies is being whored out....However, I think Ben's point was that people get exploited all the time, just in many different forms...
Yes. That was the point.

In many cultures, sex related work is a legitimate job. It's mainly in the Judeo-Christian and their derivative traditions like Islam that sex is regarded as evil.

Also, remember that in many Asian cultures girls are considered ready for marriage at 11 or 12 years old.

I'm not advocating child prostitution, but in many countries it's not seen as the absolute evil that we in the west believe it to be.
mauirob3 said:
Want to know where Satan is right now? Southeast Asia...

Evils exist on our own doorsteps also. Sometimes we are blind to them but you surely know it when it touches you directly.
it is my opinion, in Canada, our laws are about as soft as tofu on pedophiles.

time to bring in the Conservatives and change that.
Hey Munk,

I read this before and was going to let it go but was your story about the "Ugly American" real or fantasy?

We need to take advantage of every opportunity to improve things. This is one of them.
If NATO cares, then they'll send peace-keeping, food-delivering, orphan-protecting troops there in abundance.
Honestly, I think the total dead will reach one million when the smoke clears, but we can take advantage of the situation to make things better for the future.
Hey Munk,

I read this before and was going to let it go but was your story about the "Ugly American" real or fantasy?


You want to know if I'm a pedophile?

I spent ten years as a psych nurse for the criminally insane, and on an acute receiving unit.

I know how they think, but I also recently saw a program on the Discovery Channel about the two main types of people who exploit the children, One was the Pedophile, and one was my characterization of the "Ugly American."

There's a song called Universal Soldier that's been running through my mind lately.

I was born in 1950 and was in my teens from 1963 - 70. Grew up in all the antiwar, hippy, UC-Berkely sit-in's, etc., of the era.

What bothers me are the last verses of that song:

"He's the Universal Soldier and he really is to blame,
His orders come from far away no more.
They come from him and you and me,
And brothers can't you see,
This is not the way to put an end to War".

It upsets me until I almost literally see red. There is a quote from Jeff Cooper that says ( in effect - I'm not certain of the exact words ) that:

"...there exists evil in this world, and the unarmed man cannot contest it. The armed man can".

A man who does not cry foul at the sight of evil condones it's spread, and thus becomes a sheep who refuses to see it when it does not impact him and his. And he can only blat when the evil he has ignored attacks his loved ones and even himself.

Where do I stand? I just got home from a 144 mile round trip to get new tires put on the truck. It costs a hundred a tire here, and 4 at Walmart cost $200 and tax. I waited by shopping for over an hour with my coat on inside the store. If I'd left the coat in the car, my gun might have printed under my untucked shirt. ( I carried a larger gun than usual when I found a speedloader locked up my Bodyguard Airweight and didn't have time to work the jam out. )

Edit: when you change grips ALWAYS check whether they work with your speedloaders or magazines. I didn't this time. Put new grips on, bought speedloaders months later. I had the same type of thing happen to a Colt Combat Commander after installing a Smith and Alexander mainspring housing/magazine funnel - clip went in just fine. Spent 1/2 hr trying to get it out, discovered frame and magwell had an edge that stuck out so small you couldn't see it.
Rusty said:
Where do I stand? I just got home from a 144 mile round trip to get new tires put on the truck. It costs a hundred a tire here, and 4 at Walmart cost $200 and tax. I waited by shopping for over an hour with my coat on inside the store.

Bravo Rusty!
Pedophiles should be placed in the Eigth Circle of Hell in Dante's INFERO. The Ninth should be reserved for Physicians, but then that's just my opinion.

Edit to add a quote you may remember: "There are no demons left in Hell, they are all in Rwanda!". Same story, different location.