Update on the edged weapons course

Mar 16, 2000
Just wanted to post an update on the edged weapons course that we've been kicking around. All the details haven’t been ironed out yet but I wanted everyone to know what was going on so any interested parties could begin to make plans to attend.

Here’s what we do know at this point:

1. Mr. "Mike Ajax" will be the primary instructor (see Duane’s post http://www.bladeforums.com/ubb/Forum63/HTML/000285.html ) . Duane and/or Mick will also be in attendance.

2.As it stands now, the class will be held sometime in September.

3. The class will be held in one of two locations. At a spot about 15 miles South West of Hickory North Carolina OR at a spot about 20 miles North East of Spartanburg, South Carolina (go to http://www.mapquest.com for more info). Both are accessible from the Charlotte airport (Charlotte Douglass International). By that I mean within a 1.5 hour drive from the airport. The airport in Greenville, South Carolina is also an option and would be closer for the Spartanburg location.

4. The class will be at least a 2 day deal (Saturday and Sunday). If there is enough interest and IF Mike, Duane, and Mick are willing, we could also expand the time to include Friday as well (note the emphasis on “IF”).

5. The cost will be AROUND $325 for the two-day class (note the emphasis on “AROUND”). I’m working out the details on the food and my intention is to include it in the tuition fee. I’m also working on accommodation options but these will likely NOT be included in the fee (I am, however, working on keeping them convenient and affordable). Deposits will be required to hold your spot in the class. Obviously the more participants, the cheaper it can be for everyone.

6. Signed waivers will be REQUIRED prior to participation. No exceptions.
You’re basically going to agree to hold harmless Mike, Mick, Duane, me, the owner of the venue, my first born, my dog etc., should you die a horrible death or suffer a career ending amputation or similar injury (lighten up, I’m only kidding…well about the amputation part).

I’ll post details as soon as they’re available. If you have any questions feel free to post them here or drop me an email.

Take care and stay tuned,

Cecil Self
Arrow-Dynamics Cutting Tools
Factory authorized dealer for:
Benchmade, Chris Reeve Knives, Strider Knives, Mad Dog Knives, Self Knives, Edge Pro Sharpening systems

[This message has been edited by Arrow-Dynamics (edited 06-15-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Arrow-Dynamics (edited 06-15-2001).]
Depending on the financial situation, I'd like to participate. Also, is there any planned West Coast venue in which Mr. Mike will be instructing? Finally, is there some sort of list to sign up on?

Darryl D.

[This message has been edited by D. Z. Dimaquibo (edited 06-21-2001).]
Good question...for now, anyone interested in attending the class should send me email directly. cself@arrow-dynamics.com I'll maintain a list and send out info as it becomes available. I should be able to finalize plans and prices this week.

Thanks...hope to see you in class,

Cecil Self
Arrow-Dynamics Cutting Tools
Factory authorized dealer for:
Benchmade, Chris Reeve Knives, Strider Knives, Mad Dog Knives, Self Knives, Edge Pro Sharpening systems