• The BladeForums.com 2024 Traditional Knife is ready to order! See this thread for details: https://www.bladeforums.com/threads/bladeforums-2024-traditional-knife.2003187/
    Price is $300 ea (shipped within CONUS). Now open to the forums as a whole. If you live outside the US, I will contact you after your order for extra shipping charges. If there are customs issues? On you.

    User Name
    Serial number request
  • Merry Christmas and Happy Hannukah from all of us here on BladeForums! We hope that your holidays are filled with cheer!

Villagers available.

PUT A 6'5" 255lb. friend on the ground!
HE IS NOW A BELIEVER! Nobody wants "to play"
with me anymore,oh well, have to visit my buddy Vince!hee!
I imagine the Kami's selling point,is
a SHARP K.Bet they let the buyer try it out first! Handle is prob. secondary. Buying A
HI K to the poor people, Must be like one of us buying a FIRST GENERATION COLT,they can only wish & dream! Makes you appreciate the HI K's even more,when you compare them to VILL. doesn't it?? Thanks UNCLE!Think I might have to buy a plain Yvsa SPECIAL,just so they don't sit in the cantina,you understand,"you know "to get "one" BEFORE KOZ!!NDN,told KOZ to get busy& the two of you to come to the KONV.
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by jim_l_clifton:
Think I might have to buy a plain Yvsa SPECIAL,just so they don't sit in the cantina,you understand,"you know "to get "one" BEFORE KOZ!!

NDN,told KOZ to get busy& the two of you to come to the KONV.

Uh, Jim....I already got one coming to me....

and , are you buying the first round?


"just so they don't sit in the cantina,you understand,"

That reminds me ... I got together with some of the older members of the family Christmas and we got talking geneology ... and talking about even older members of the family, before I was born....

There was one who always said, "Well, if that last lamb chop is going to the dog, then I'll eat it." I get the impression she said that frequently ... like, every night at the dinner table? She went on saying it even after they no longer had a dog ... she never ate anything because she wanted it, only to prevent it going to the dog.

Seems like as good a reason to buy a knife as any ... if it's only going to sit around the cantina and clutter up the place, then I'll take it ... not because I want it, you understand, only to keep it from sitting around the cantina. See, I don't have any virus ... I'm just doing my public-spirited duty to keep the cantina free from clutter....

-Cougar Allen :{)
This post is not merely the author's opinions; it is the trrrrrruth. This post is intended to cause dissension and unrest and upset people, and ultimately drive them mad. Please do not misinterpret my intentions in posting this.
Finally,Someone who understands! It's
"MY DUTY TO MY K FRIENDS"!It saves them from getting in tbl. with their significant others,it prevents them from spending the rent or food money!All I get is broke ,flack from Koz 7 Yvsa & Rus ordering me to take medication! I ask you is this "HIKV"??
ps- I do get some "nice K'S this way!hee!
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Rusty:
shaking head sadly... only so much you can do when a guy won't take his medication, right Harry?


Awwww Rusty, Jim's an ok guy....as long as he does not see a khukuri...then, watch out!