Walking dead kind of night

They just cant seem to decide if they want escape or kill walkers. They never do either one efficiently.


Exactly! and how about constructing some perimeter defense around the farm instead of chauffeuring prisoners around? There are tons of trees, they should have built a palisade. Those were used by ancient Greek & Romans to protect mobile military camps, not to mention our own colonial soldiers who set them up to defend against Indian attacks. They even have horses and vehicles to assist with labor, so they should put that gas to good use and long term effect. Even a corral would have been helpful, lead 'em in and go whack-a-mole on the walkers

Sorry, sometimes I lack the necessary suspension of disbelief required, but I still love the show
Exactly! and how about constructing some perimeter defense around the farm instead of chauffeuring prisoners around? There are tons of trees, they should have built a palisade. Those were used by ancient Greek & Romans to protect mobile military camps, not to mention our own colonial soldiers who set them up to defend against Indian attacks. They even have horses and vehicles to assist with labor, so they should put that gas to good use and long term effect. Even a corral would have been helpful, lead 'em in and go whack-a-mole on the walkers


... OR...

...... they could put up a perimeter of treadmills, all facing toward the property, and turn them on to high speed.

They had a perimeter fence but it wasn't what you would call walker-proof. If nothing else, they could have built a large barricade around the house and barn to keep them safe while they disposed of the Walkers. But hey...the farm needed to go...it is gone. Prison time!
I think a plain old moat would be perfect. Plus it would keep out the still-living riff raff since it would be full of rotting zombies flailing about.
They can't and they sink a moat filled with alligators and other things should be able to keep them, at bay.
A moat is a good idea, just skip the water, instead torch it once in a while to keep it from filling up.
I think that a multi-tiered defense strategy would be the best plan. Herd them like cattle. All you have to do is limit mobility in a few directions and then provide incentive to go in the last direction. The last step is finding a way to process all the zombies once they've arrived in the disposal area. Pretty simple if you think of it like a sewage treatment plant.
And then they can use the oil to produce more fuel for the cars. That's environmentally friendly!
The zombie compost pile sounds like a good idea. Hopefully its not a prion or some disease that stay viable after years in the soil.