[WARNING - GRAPHIC PICTURES] Badly injured finger

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Nov 6, 2007
hey guys
I recently injured my finger on a blade at work
I broke my index in 3 places and have 3 steel pins holding my bones together
I went into surgery and needed stiches afterwards

so far it is day 7 and my question is does anybody know if I should be cleaning my finger? ( my doctor NEVER gave me orders on it. he just said "well, you can if you want")

my next doctor appointment isnt until next wednesday and I am worried it might get infected if I leave it until next Wed

Should I go into the walk in clinic tonight or leave it the way it is?

Will this ruin the growing process of my broken bones if I take the bandage off( I have a light bandage around the cut. then a splint over top of it. and a thicker bandage ontop of everything)

Pleas help if you can!:(



Unless you have reason to believe there is some complication or infection it probably isn't necessary to have it cleaned. On the other hand, it couldn't hurt to have a competant medical expert evaluate it and put a new dressing on it. Just make sure you say that there is some physical sympton, like "it feels warm" or "it has been throbbing". That way your workman's comp should have no argument against paying.
Well as long as that splint stays firmly in place you can go ahead and clean it if u cant clean it with that splint on there dont bother
You might want to edit that w/ a NSFW header.
Web md would be a better place to post.
1st post... :rolleyes:
If your post-op then ABSOLUTELY clean the incision. You should be on the look out for 3 MAJOR signs, inflammation, exudates(leaking), and pain(throbbing,pulsing) The bandage you had on was a dry bandage I assume, this is to collect any excess leakage from the healing process. The fluid should either be blood or a clear fluid. If it begins to turn yellow or darker (green/brown) you are infected and need to return to the doctor. You can put a little bit of a broad spectrum ointment on the incision (Neosporin etc...) but DO NOT SUFFOCATE THE WOUND. If is very important for the wound to "breath". If I were you I would clean around the steel pins and incision 3-4 times a day with normal saline and apply clean STERILE gauze. Do yourself a favor and get some purel hand gel. Apply that on your hands before you redress your wound in order to prevent contaminating it. Email if you have any specific Qs
You might want to edit that w/ a NSFW header.
Web md would be a better place to post.
1st post... :rolleyes:

My sentiments exactly, Rugger. I just couldn't bring myself to using the ":rolleyes:".

But 7 days after you bust up your finger and get it operated on, you get worried about it, and use said reconstructed finger to join a knife discussion web site and ask what to do about it? If it was someone who had been here years and had thousands of posts it would be odd!

I'm willing to give our new freind the benefit of the doubt (for now). Maybe he's on painkillers or lost a lot of blood or something. Clouded judgement.
How did you manage to break your finger in three places on a blade?.

Maybe it was a sharpened prybar.

That wasn't very nice. Bad marcinek!

Sounds like a couple of the fellas know what they are talking about, talnteddriver. Listen to them and call a doctor or ER nurse.
The "blood" doesn't look very realistic and the "wound" is suspiciously out of focus in every shot.....coincidentally it's your first post.:rolleyes:

Elderberry jelly...no wait...blueberry pie filling, am I close?:D
Probably some bored Gynecologist intern having to work the late shift on ER.
Disinfectants like betadine, alcohol, etc. are going to do nothing to promote healing, and if anything will slow it. They kill just as many good bugs as bad. I don't know about the bone issue, but the best thing you can do to assist any wound in healing is to soak it in warm saline, as this helps draw out the lymph which carries with it any nasties. It will also help to gently remove crustiness and dried blood, and it increases circulation which is always a good thing. It's really the only way to actually help the body heal.

1/4 teaspoon sea salt to 8 oz. distilled water, nice and warm in a clean container, until it cools. Once or twice a day, no more. More salt is not better, and will only irritate the wound. Also, you can use gauze, swabs, etc. if it's tough to get the wound in a container.
Well I was eating my yummy dinner sandwich goddam crappy university food but since that is done now. I would suggest going to el doctoro if you are worried.
Yeah, this isn't the site for medical advice. Consult your local physician
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