weapons in israel???

Feb 22, 1999
A friend of mine is moving to Israel for graduate studies this week, and I was going to outfit her with two tiny weapons before she left... A Spyderco Delica and a Chizukenbo (similar to the JSP Bladerigger Koppo Stick. Basically, a Yawara/Kubaton with a fingerloop)

The reason for such was that should she ever have the need to fight her way out of a crowd, she would have two things less likely to be confiscated. The Chizukenbo, made of wood and the size of a pencil, would only be noticed in a pat-down. Strikes are pretty nasty when you're holding it in your hand, too. I will tell her to carry a sturdy pen in areas where she thinks a pat-down will result in confiscation. The Delica might be overboard, because I don't know the knife laws for the area.

Anyone have better insights? Please contact me ASAP in this thread or via AOLIM (TomMrkr) I really should have posted this earlier, but I just found out how limited my time frame is..

BTW, I'm giving them to her anyway, but I want her to be aware of any restrictions.
I don't know anything about the weapons laws in Israel, so can't help you there. I do have a suggestion though about what to get that would get by most types of security. The JSP Bladrigger site has a bandana I believe is called the Bandando. It has a reinforced pocket at a corner (one corner and two corner versions availible). One can put change, keys, anything hard and weighty in the end and use it as a slung shot of sorts. Nothing overtly menacing about any of the components, but a wicked tool when combined.

I take it your friend is capable of using the implements you are getting her.

Best of luck to her on her travels and studies and to you on finding the legal info needed.
I recall that an Israeli posted on this forum a while back that the laws there are very restrictive: no knives allowed at all. But he said that multi-tools are overlooked.
Your friend may want to just go into a hardware store in Israel and pick up a box cutter. Just about every soldier in Israel carries one as part of their everyday gear and it shouldn't cause much of a problem.