What are you reading?

The Book Of The Sword by Richard Burton. I'd had this on my wish list and the kids got me a copy for Xmas.

Written in 1873, it's a rather involved history of the sword and related weapons. But wow....The purple prose. The Victorian era did not favor brevity in writing.
The foreward went on and on about the glories of war and how it "uplifted" the dull lives of the lower classes.... WWI was a few years down the pike... I wonder how uplifting Mr. Burton would have found that?

Now I'm on the first chapter about how early man got the idea of weapons from the animal kingdom. I think I could have put this down in a couple of paragraphs, but Burton is apparently listing every single instance of a cutting or stabbing item in the animal kingdom....
Hopefully I'll get to the meat of the thing before too long.
Finished the new Ranger's Apprentice prequel book, then read The 5th Wave, now I'm probably going to read The Hobbit for the umpteenth time.
I'm currently reading "A Dance With Dragons" book 5 of the Game of Thrones Series.

I've read several authors and types of stories but I enjoy anything by Dean Koontz the best.
"D-Day" by Antony Beevor. He's written several good books on WWII, including one on the Battle of Stalingrad and another on the fall of Berlin.
Currently, after doing a term paper on psychedelic therapy, I'm reading Acid Test, which is like a series of novellas that converge regarding the birth and evolution of psychedelic therapy. Its non fiction. I'm also reading Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Going after Cacciato, and various magazines I subscribe to (Fine Homebuilding, Field and Stream, JLC).


For the second time.


For the second time.

+1 :thumbup: for Cache Lake Country. My old copy stays by the side of the reading chair. Worn, enjoyed often.

For some reason, these mysteries have found their way into my hand most recently:

The Massey Murder by Charlotte Gray, A maid, her master, and the trial that shocked a country. Charlotte Gray is known for her meticulous research in writing her historical novels. Murder, class conflict, engaging storytelling - based on events that unfolded in Toronto in 1915.

A Most Wanted Man by John Le Carré, post 911 in Hamburg, intrigue, injustice - made into a film with Philip Seymour Hoffman.

Now halfway through The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair by Joel Dicker, a cold case with consequences unfolding in the present for the author

Mysteries are not my usual read, but have been welcome armchair company on a winter's evening :)
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Just finished Agatha Christies "And then there were None" for the 4th or 5th time. I'm a big Christie fan and go back and reread many of her works.

Just started Umberto Eco's "The Prague Cemetery".
Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates-Brian Kilmeade and Don Yeager " The Forgotten War That Changed
American History
Very well researched and written . Enslavement of American crews by North African Muslim pirates. And President
Jefferson's leadership to rescue the crews and halt the pirate business in the Med.
If you mention something and it's good, it goes away. If you mention something and it's bad, it happens.

I like the Tom Waits line "There's no Devil that's just God when he's drunk".
Piso Mojado,

an intelligent reader

I SEE what you mean.
She could read the phone book to me and I would . . .
er . . . I mean . . . yah . . . I need to find that book . . . you know . . . the one we were talking about . . . as an audio book.

I think I will watch Back To School tonight. I am realizing I missed a fun movie; I have never watched it.
Thanks again.
I Am John Galt: Today's Heroic Innovators Building the World and the Villainous Parasites Destroying It by Donald Luskin.
Since I seem to make my posts here in trilogies I am reading, on Kindle :
Why Sinatra Matters
By Pete Hamill
I am enjoying it immensely. I am just young enough to have missed alot of that time and plenty old enough to care.
The book is largely about the times and how Sinatra fit into it.
A Most Wanted Man by John Le Carré, post 911 in Hamburg, intrigue, injustice

You might like So Disdained by Nevil Shute
First pub 1928
Takes place during the years between The Great War and WWII
Flying, spies, Europe and a regular guy that is caught up in it all.

Pub'ed in US under the dumb title The Mysterious Aviator