What beats Delta 3V? Delta 3V...

Feb 23, 2015
[Profanity] [Profanity]

[More Profanity]

I was sitting on the couch, minding my own business watching Naked and Afraid (cuz who doesn't?) and I dropped my unsheathed LC onto one of my unsheathed FKs. About a 12 inch drop. Edge met spine and edge lost. Fuuuuuuuuudge!!!

Eff you, Gravity. So pissed at you right now.

Took a fine diamond stone and ceramic to bring her back but it looks like a full recovery.

There was a moral to this story but I wasn't in the mood so I junk punched it.
It was a fluke dropping of the knife. I can probably count the time I've dropped a knife when bushcrafting or wood working wasn't involved on one hand...and thankfully the count still goes to five!

It's funny in life that there are things, that when you drop them, your natural reflexive response is to try and catch it. Like chapstick, a water bottle or a baby.

Then there are things you spastically dance away from and avoid trying to catch. Like a wet cat, a baby porcupine or a sharp knife. Glad the mantra "If i drop this, don't catch it. If I drop this, don't catch it" kept me from an ER visit!
Now you know as to why in the Stock Market they have a saying, "don't catch a falling knife" when it comes to POS plummeting stocks which some rookie traders deem as "bargains" to buy ;)
Now you know as to why in the Stock Market they have a saying, "don't catch a falling knife" when it comes to POS plummeting stocks which some rookie traders deem as "bargains" to buy ;)

Don't try and catch a falling knife, and blood running in the streets???

Whatever do you mean Casinostocks?!?
I've got a nice scar on my shin from catching a Fiddleback machete with it due to my lack of dancing skills. Had just finished sharpening it, too. Cut so clean I didn't even know it got me until I felt the blood running.
Last time I did something like that, I was sitting on the end of the bed and dropped a knife on my foot. Thought "thank God the sharp bits didn't get me" and then looked down and saw a little fountain of bright red blood reaching the height of my knee.