What do you think of these knives???

HideAway and Spectre both make solid products.

The Paratraxx looks like a low-budget version of the Tom Brown Tracker knife. The smaller knife that stores in the handle is a good idea, but the 420 steel and ABS sheath are major turn-offs.
Indeed hideaway is a very good product

I would stay away from the Paratraxx due to the used knifesteel (420 :barf:) , and use of ABS in their product.
"FrontSight" (of HideAway) herself is a member of these forums... nothing better than having the company owner to talk to.

Spectre makes solid products as well, haven't heard a LOT about them
The hide away knives look nice but the price had me think about just jumping in to buying one with out asking about it.

I have always thought that Pigsticker looked pretty bada*s and vicious :eek:

They all look gimicky to me. In general you want knives with curves and smooth handle contours. Teeth and angles are inclined to snag on things at critical junctures. Squared handle contours will cause blisters with extended use. Blades with segmented bevels are also asking to snag on things. Get something tough and simple from Swamp Rat Knife Works or Camillus/Becker.
Rugger said:
Who wants to walk around town w/ a huge honking knife hanging on your side. Sure, looks "cool" :rolleyes: but impractical unless you're military or live like Grizzly Adams. Could come in handy on camping trips.

I'm in the military a Marine Grunt about to go to Iraq again.
you want to take something as light as possible (you're a '31 right?), the hideaway is great from what I've seen, and once you get there, "cool" is gonna be whatever is not a pain in the ass to carry around. If you want a fixed blade, take a look at the Satin Jack. Light, strong, sharp as a mother, and not too expensive. Plus. if you break it or screw it up past your ability to fix/sharpen, Busse will make it new for free.

You can get one here (IT IS WORTH EVERY PENNY):

Semper Fidelis,
Also take a strong, hard look at the Fallkniven A1 for a production blade. Very tough and it might be a little easier to carry than some of the larger blades. Not too heavy either. I think another Marine on these boards had one way back when and really liked it. Practical nylon sheath too, but I haven't tried the kydex rig for it.

I think some here have said that the Cold Steel SRK is already in the PX/BX system so that might be a consideration if you like that style of knife. Probably would be easier to replace too if it "walks off."

Worst case scenario I suppose you could always pick up a Ka-bar/Mk II. Probably a few of those floating around over there!