What do you use your EDC's for?

mini commander for self-defense (in a country where there are no firearms) - well actually not 'use' more like 'potentially use' !
I use mine for cutting hanging lengths of rope, thwarting terrorists, and various soldier-of-fortune duties like establishing beachheads and cutting aiming stakes. Sometimes when I am out in the woods overnight, I use it to cut and build a cabin.

Is there an opening at The Cutlery Shoppe?
Hey Mark J. Email me, I've got a great deal on some Carolina Coondogs. Man just think, you can build you a big fenced lot and keep 'em in there, and let them out sometimes so you can go in and clean up all the dog $hit.

You'll be the envy of all your neighbors!!:D :D ;)
Hey Art, our neighbors might truly be jealous! (you'd know what I mean if you met them :rolleyes: :)) Actually, from what I've observed, the proper etiquette is to let your dogs roam around unleashed so that they $hit on everyone else’s property and knock up the neighbor's dogs. By the way, Art, I'm only interested if they spend the entire night howling/baying at the top of their lungs.

- Mark
This is great feedback guys!

A lot of knife manufacturers build knives based on specific uses. I was interested to see what these knives ended up getting used for. I admit that a large part of the appeal of a knife to me is coolness or gadget factor (although I am a cheap SOB and end up buying most of my tools based on utility).

What I have noticed on this thread are the number of "industrial" users there are. I was kind of expecting to see more LEO's, military personnel, paramedics, farmers, hunters... i.e. the type of people that "hard use" knives are supposed to built for.

Does anyone have regular uses for their EDC's that are different from the "usual" ones mentioned?


I'm an Industrial Mechanic this time around, kinda like a glorified Millwright/Machinest, I carry more than 1 EDC, and I use them for everything from scrapin' gaskets, and cuttin' boxes, to food prep, and self surgery.

Oh yea and 1 other thing, carvin'



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I guess I can say I use it for everything. I own my own business and use it for everything from opening mail to cutting my sandwiches.
On the weekend I use it for working on cars and around the ranch.
I dont every use my good knives for scraping gaskets etc, that I use a old sak or a steel chisel. I really really try not to pry or bend with a knife. I dont cut wire with them ( I got a leatherman for that)
I have special fix blades for cleaning gutting etc I dont use my edc
so I guess you could say I baby my EDC and as I think about it I do.
Oh and T that was a some cool whittling you did there
I just carry one to have something to play with while I'm on the crapper :p
cpirtle, aren't you afraid of having to have this conversation in the ER one day after playing with your EDC on the hopper?, " and how did you cut yourself down there again?"
On me personally:

CRKT Large Mirage Grey Ghost
Ken Onion Scallion

Small Daypack that is ALWAYS with me:

SAK Champ
Spyderco Chinook
many ask me why do you need such a BIG knife...

yes, why? maybe just the reason for self-defense --> it's bad that using knife to defend myself may kill the offender(s), OR, the knife may goes to the bad guy's hand to use against me.

When I go hiking, my knife sit in my pocket unused.
I guess when one goes camping, the knife will have some works to do...
my EDCs have been used for...bagels, cream cheese, envelopes, tape, loose threads, blister packs, boxes, packing straps, radiator hose for the Plymouth, gaskets, sealed bags, cans, whittling, leather, turning an empty 2 litre into a funnel for oil and to drain the tank on my VW and probably more things I can't think of.

Heh heh... *which* EDC knife? In general, I have a Buck Gent in my pocket (sentimental value), a Mini Griptilian (555) in my back pocket, sometimes a Leatherman Wave on my hip, and either a CRKT Neck P.E.C.K. or Cold Steel "The Spike" on my neck. I guess I'll probably have good company among the group here when I say that I generally have one or two knives on me that I carry with the intention of not using. :p The Benchmade Mini Griptilian is that one. Its blade is so sweet and sharp (personally sharpened) that I dare not touch it even to cut bakery string or I'll compulsively have to put it to the Profile for a half hour. It's kept pristine. If I want to clip a newspaper article, cut string or para cord, or any other beat-on task, I use the Buck Gent (after all, I have a backup one in a box somewhere). I don't always wear the Leatherman, but it's always nearby in the knapsack I take everywhere. The Spike also has a wicked edge on it but it bears a few tiny nicks from this or that job where I wasn't too careful.

I generally don't do a whole lot of cutting, but it makes sense to always have access to a sharp edge and fire, so I also carry a Zippo lighter as well. And having a knife is fun for those times you can raise eyebrows in the workplace. I work in a newspaper ad office, and most of my suburbanite middle-aged sheeple coworkers have never before seen someone reach under his shirt and pull out a four-inch razor-sharp triangular blade (from god knows where) to help them cut whatever it was they asked for help cutting before they saw the knife and, stammering, forgot what they were there to do in the first place. And god forbid I whip out something with a *serrated* edge! :p They'd **** their pants!
Originally posted by peacefuljeffrey
that I dare not touch it even to cut bakery string or I'll compulsively have to put it to the Profile for a half hour.

Dude, you really need to learn to use a steel or you won't have a blade for long with all that sharpening.
