What is the Definition of Ettrick??

My pleasure Duane. Long-bolstered Ettrick's are one of Trevor Ablett's biggest sellers I believe.

No surprise there! That's a beauty!

I do know where there's a big stash of Ablett Ettricks, and wish I'd snapped a few up when I had the chance, particularly as the prices were rock bottom. I'm sure one can be had at some point though my friend ;)
Ohhh, I'm going to send you a message about this in just a moment, Jack. ;)
Ohhh, I'm going to send you a message about this in just a moment, Jack. ;)

See my post on page 1 Alex :)

When I was at the Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet in Sheffield a few months back, I came across a display of Trevor Ablett's knives. The place had been shut for about 10 years and they hadn't put the prices up! I snapped up the only Sheepsfoot at a bargain price. All the other knives were Ettricks and I wish I'd got one now! I was due to go back with Duncan the following week, but we ran out of time, and the place is now closed until next April!
While looking for more information about a lovely little TINA Germany budding/grafting knife recently gifted to me by Jack Black, their other offerings caught my attention, and one in particular:


They call the fourth knife from the left a "light pruning knife," and its shape looks familiar, yes?


If its quality is anything like the smaller budding knife I have in my hands (and I don't know why it would not be), this one might be worth an ettricker's pursuit. :)

~ P.
Thanks for sharing your research, ~P.
(note to self - Google Tina!)

Jack has also directed his generosity toward me. The middle Wright Ettrick arrived via the Royal Mail today - thanks, Jack!
It follows the nice old Joseph Rodgers from Duncan - thanks, Duncan!
The wood handled Wright came from an online store.
I feel like the namesake Ettrick River has turned its flow toward my home in Vancouver!
Jack, it's indeed a pretty one as you suggested. The Buffalo handles are slightly translucent at the edges, and beautiful!*
And Duncan thank you for letting go of that stellar Rodgers & Sons! That's class, you and the knife!
I am ever grateful to you both - I guess I now have an official Ettrick collection.


Feeling very lucky and humble today!

*The scratches are on my scanner glass, and not on the knife!
Thanks for sharing your research, ~P.
(note to self - Google Tina!)

Jack has also directed his generosity toward me. The middle Wright Ettrick arrived via the Royal Mail today - thanks, Jack!
It follows the nice old Joseph Rodgers from Duncan - thanks, Duncan!
The wood handled Wright came from an online store.
I feel like the namesake Ettrick River has turned its flow toward my home in Vancouver!
Jack, it's indeed a pretty one as you suggested. The Buffalo handles are slightly translucent at the edges, and beautiful!*
And Duncan thank you for letting go of that stellar Rodgers & Sons! That's class, you and the knife!
I am ever grateful to you both - I guess I now have an official Ettrick collection.


Feeling very lucky and humble today!

Glad it arrived OK Charlie. That Rodgers is a peach :thumbup:

*The scratches are on my scanner glass, and not on the knife!

Phew! I was just wondering about that!
Charlie - what a cool line up of knives!
I can honestly say my friend - and everyone will back me up here, if you are feeling a little bit humbled - its a drop in the ocean compared to how you have made many, many people here feel, not only do you look after people when dealing with them, your generosity is overwhelming, also just what you have done with your tireless work here in Traditionals - its just fantastic.

For example - I received a Teamsters Jack HJ6 from Mike B today, I have been after one for quite some time - reading your introduction on the label to me is huge - and once again WHAT A KNIFE - thanks to you Charlie I have another HJ to ad to my collection - which near all of them are thanks to you!!!!

Well done Jack - your are a Legend, and thank you Charlie
I never thought I'd ever carry an odd pruning knife as a daily pocket knife, which is shaped like a lazy "S", and named after a Scottish river valley.
And with imperfect Black Ebony to boot!!:D
It just shows you where an open mind will take you!!;)

I noticed this on another thread Charlie, and since you're actually carrying this pattern, I figured we needed an update on how you're finding it ;)
I noticed this on another thread Charlie, and since you're actually carrying this pattern, I figured we needed an update on how you're finding it ;)

Close readers will note that Charlie likely just puts his hand in his pocket, and there it is!



~ P.
This picture could rightly go into "What Traditional are You Totin' Today?" but I couldn't pass up Sarah's (clever, as usual) intro above!
I in fact just took these out of my pocket to hone them up, and strop them, and thought I'd share a scan.
They are a nice pair to have around.


I don't often take such an important (to me anyway) knife to a hone,
a) because it is worth preserving, having seen very few of them,
and b) because you won't usually find one in my pocket for the same reasons.
But this one is such a joy to carry and use, I find myself dropping it in the RF pocket.
I'm getting old too, and we get along really well!!:D
I am ever grateful to Duncan for giving me custody for a while!!

I don't often take such an important (to me anyway) knife to a hone,
a) because it is worth preserving, having seen very few of them,
and b) because you won't usually find one in my pocket for the same reasons.
But this one is such a joy to carry and use, I find myself dropping it in the RF pocket.
I'm getting old too, and we get along really well!!:D
I am ever grateful to Duncan for giving me custody for a while!!

That is a great looking pair together! It must be a joy to be able to carry such a fine piece and gently use it as intended.
That is a great looking pair together! It must be a joy to be able to carry such a fine piece and gently use it as intended.

It is indeed, Duane! I certainly don't do any hacking and prying with either. I have rougher tools for that stuff.
It's a contemplative use that gives the most pleasure!
Indeed Charlie! Life is short, and it's the "little guilty pleasures" that make it all the more worth living it to the fullest :)
Well, my bookkeeper stopped over for a while today, to get started on my year end tax documents, and my job was to open envelopes, and assemble the bills, statements etc, for her to do whatever she does with them.
I pulled out the old Ettrick, and I gotta say, it made a boring task quite bearable!!
It sharpened up nicely the other day (see above posts), and zipped through the envelopes/paperwork slick as can be. It has such a nice clean snap, I found myself opening and closing it more than I had to!
Today it has nudged Old Boiley out of my Barlow pocket, where it has been for a year! The Barlow will be back, but I want to carry Etty just a little longer!!:D
I got this from Doug Add a year or so back. It is an unmarked knife with a carbon steel blade, roughly made and sold by an American importer called Catonsville. Nothing fancy but it is a good desk knife and now I know where the shape comes from!

I had been researching the ettrick pattern when I read this thread so I picked up one of the unmarked Catonsville knives on Amazon to try the pattern out, and am surprised to find that it is a nice carbon blade and well fitted throughout. There was a little card in the box that states they are made in the shop in Maryland. I may step up to a genuine Sheffield example, but this one appears to be a real user with good walk and talk on the backspring. I like the handle size and shape and fairly short 2 1/4" blade, very PC. I plan to EDC it for a bit see how it goes. So far I'm a happy camper.
Hey Bartleby, show us a picture! Old Etty likes to see her cousins!!