What is your first knife memory?

When I was in elementary school I used to fish with my grandpa a lot. I can happily say we still get to fish together some now. Anyway, I cut the hell out of my finger getting the rib bones off of a bluegill fillet. It bled for hours. My dad wouldn't take me to get stitches. Taught me to be cautious with a sharp knife.
I can’t recall how old I was, but it had to be in the 5-7 range. The details of some aspects are misty but others are perfectly clear. Me, my Dad, and two of his friends headed up the California coast on an impromptu camping and fishing trip. I had a small sheath knife that was given to me, along with my own small tackle box. We were ocean fishing off of a beach and a large wave swept up and knocked me down. I thought I was going in the water with the undertow but in reality I don’t think it was that big of a wave. My dad grabbed my hand and scooped me out of the water while one of his friends (ironically named Buck) grabbed my knife and tackle box from the surf. I remember thinking I was very thankful to get the knife back. We found a local campground and I remember stories being told around the campfire that night. It was like a glimpse into a secret club. I’m not sure what happened to the knife today but I still remember the story, and that’s enough for me.
My first memory was of my dad using his yellow cracked ice yellow large kabar stockman to open the mail. This was the coolest thing ever until I saw my maternal grandfather open his large case xx stockman with one hand and cut his plug tobacco. I've been hooked ever since
Would have been in the middle to late 50's. My maternal grandfather, a Sicilian immigrant and master machinist at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, always had a small knife in his pocket.

One day he decided I was ready and gave me my first of several pen knives...Imperial, Utica, and the like.

Never looked back over the next 60 something years, except to remember him fondly and what he ingrained in me.
My grandpa showing me how to properly use a knife. I was 11 or so? He was a wood pattern maker with a ton of wood working tools in his house and always had a slip joint on him. He always said a proper gentleman should always have a knife on him.
Mid 1950s elementary school, we all played variants of “mumblety peg” called “stretch”, “chicken” and “jack knife.” Don’t remember anyone getting cut. Course those were the days when kids didn’t whine, piss, moan, and cry about everything.
We played at recess. Nowadays I guess if you had a knife at school you would get expelled and have a permanent record.
Tiny folder bought at the souvenir shop at Mt. Rushmore. Played with it in the car and was probably lost before we got to the next motel.
My dad bought us a schrade folder for a fishing trip at Kmart when I was little. I have since lost my dad but still have the knife.
My father bought me a small fixed blade knife when we were on on vacation, fishing. I was about 5 or 6 y/o.
I lost it the same day. A a few years later he bought me the knife in the picture. These were sold in the 1960's and had a dull edge.
I have another one from the Catskill Game Farm too.

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That’s awesome you still have it,I wish I still had some of the knives I had as a kid that my dad gave me..when I was a kid I couldn’t keep up with a knife for nothing..I managed to find the old machete my uncle gave me but it’s the blade is rusted so bad it’s probably beyond repair