What is your latest knife purchase?

2 little Cold steel Spikes
PCC Imada High Hollow

Today I got my byrd robin 2 g-10. I have and have had many spyderco's but this is my first byrd. Btw my iPad hates the word byrd. damn you auto correct...
GR France / Gilles Reynewaeter
Handle: Corsican pepper wood.
Purchased on Dweebay today.







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2 little Cold steel Spikes

Went with the old model ones over the new model? Shame, new ones are a lot more comfortable IMO.

I ordered 3 Imacasas, the Cazanga, Burriquito, and 18' Colima, all Special Grade from 42Blades.
2 trades and 2 bought in the last few weeks. Southard, 0550 blem, 0550 with blue frag scale, m390 PM2. All great knives.
Right now I have an Enzo Birk and a Robert Carter in the mail. Others will follow soon.
Ordered a Cold Steel Ti Lite 4 inch version.

...mainly cause I watched The Warriors, and had a sudden urge to get a switchblade. Since I can't get those here, I went with the next best thing something that looks like one(from a company I generally like).
I was thinking about a Manix 2, but I pre-ordered one of those M4 mini grips instead. Been thinking about getting an H1 dragonfly to replace the H1 ladybug I lost, but I went with a ZDP dragonfly.
bought a mantis vuja de for my cousins 28th Bday. he's a Bali fan and also digs the weirder knives so I felt it fit him.

I know it's mall ninja and tactifool but damn if I didn't have fun playing with it when it came in the mail. I have my serious knives like my 275 and 741 as well as my szabo for serious SD but I really had fun so I might pick one up myself and I hate that I want one
Bastinelli BBR1, it's keeping me content for a titanium frame lock until I pick up a Strider.