What knives do you have 2 or more of?

my multiples:

Mini Bushman x3
Mora #1 x4
Mora 2000 x2
Spydie Delica x3 (various edge configs, old and new clips etc)
Soon to have a Native in S30V to compliment my Native in CPM440V, then a 3D native, and possibly a spyderco.com forum Native.
I collect Case trappers and have over 100 of them X254's with different blade steel (CV or SS) and different handle materials.
Does this count ?
Good Collecting !
I have two 18" HI AK's-- both wood-handled, but by different makers. Probably two of my favorite knives.
Out of all my knives it has to be, SAK Classics, and Flip/Funny Folders, and Colonial Magic Knives.
I currently only have one copy, and that is of the 941D2CF.

I don't know if I will ever find a better EDC, and wanted a spare.

Frodo, I hear ya, I love my 940, but oh nelly that cfd2941 is just about as good as things get as far as folding knives go!!:eek:
I may have to keep 2 of 'em.:D
2 941 d2 cf
2 941 bc1 red
2 732 and 1 more on the way (my personal favorite)
2 large sebensa's
2 960 burl maple
2 960 bc1 cf
2 310
I try have at least 2 of my EDC knives beacuse I always carry 2 knives.
I have 3 BM 940's (different colored handles), 4 MT LCC's(different variations). As far as Exact duplicates, I have 2 Spyderco Pro-venators(one user and one NIB)and 2 Case Stag Russlock's (one user and one NIB).
I probably have a few more duplicates but that's all I can think of right now.
Webmaster - www.knifeworks.com
6 CS Bushman
4 Kershaw 1416 xxl Starkey Ridge
2 Kershaw 1415 Starkey Ridge
BM 941
3 Buck 110 including 2 MS 110's
3 BM Outbounders including 1 1st prod. run and 2 in D-2
2 Boker A-F Daggers
2 Camillus MK-2's
2 Spyderco Calypso pe
2 Spyderco Calypso Jr.
2 Spyderco Calypso Jr LWT.
5 Blackjack Blue Devils
3 WKC Celts
3 Camillus EDC's including 1 125th anniv.
I have 2 Perrin's, 2 Endura's, 2 Delica's, 2 Pegasus and 2 Shabaria's.
Every now and then I trade one off for something else. :)

10-15 supertools
20 micra's
4 gerber tools
4 wave's
5 pst
5 gators
5 gator mates
all curtisity the army supply room
and many other dupplicates I bought including
bm 140
syderco police
syderco harpy
I have two WW II kukris from Bill Martino. One wood, one of a horn handle.

Three Buck Model 119's. Two made in 199, one in 1991.

Four Marine fighting knives, by Kabar, Ontario and Camillus.

Several of the cheap but effective Swedish Army Knife of a decade ago.

Five of the little Mora knives with a wood handle.

Five Cold Steel Trailmasters, each a little different from the next.
I see a lot of people naming various models but all from the same manufacturer. I don't really consider these duplicates... I have quite a few favorite brands that I own numerous models from but the only "true" duplicates I own are

2 CS LTCs (one beat up pretty bad...)
2 CS ATCs (one with a custom Jay Maines handle)
2 Junglee short swords (one was a gift)
2 BM 710s (one is an original ATS34 with a partally serrated black coated blade, the other is a hybrid with aluminum handles and an M2 partially serrated black coated blade)
2 HI King Kobras (although not really duplicates because one is 30" and the other 25")
3 (soon to be 5) Criswell Katanas, all of various lengths.
I had 2 MMHW kukris but gave one to my trainer

The only knife I deem worthy of a duplicate is my LCC D/A. I have one Gen II plain black blade with CF handles and Ti bolsters. I just got a Gen II with Part Serrated Stonewash blade, same handle. I may eventually try to get a 941CFD2 or 941BC1Red to match my 940 KOTM Blue.

2 BM Mini-Strykers
2 Emerson custom Vindicators (favorite knife)
2 Strider SnG's
2 Geno Denning hunters
I have multiple throwing knives! Of course.

I'm seriously tempted to get another Spyderco Starmate, as they are my fave folder and out of production. Otherwise I tend to give multiple copies away.
