what to look for in a katana

Glad to hear you like it. Keep your eye on the exchange. I've actually got one up there now that's still available. Others will come available as well, as I complete them and tweak my designs. I've got to sell a few to raise money for enough 3V to experiment with a longer sword than my usual 24" variants. I'm planning on a full size dao design.
hey guys I'm thinking of buying a katana but I would like to know if this is a real hamon. thx guys
I think you got your answer in the other thread bub. At the price and site it was listed on I would shop around. Go the the SBG store and read up.
I take it you are not a student of Japanese swordsmanship, otherwise your teacher would answer this question for you.

If you are just interested in owning one or doing some backyard cutting, I'd check out sword buyer's guide. They mainly focus on inexpensive cutters and beaters. Read some reviews and go to their forums. I think you'll catch on quick.

I couldn't find the answer to my question in the buyer's guide. I purchased a "differentially hardened" Katana from China. I have no doubt that it's been tempered as advertised, but am not sure if it's done properly. Can't figure out how to add a picture from my device, only from the web.

All of the pictures of antique, proper, katanas that I've seen show the blade side of the hamon being the less mirrored looking than the spine. Mine came with the blade (ha) being far shinier than the spine. Is this an indication of the tempering having been done backwards?

If so, can it be corrected? I have access to a foundary company.

Thank you for your time.