Whatcha listnin to oo oo?

The setting of this video makes me chuckle. 😄
I think the song rocks, though.....

I'm probably (*"probably"?!?) a bit older than you.

With that, that vid reminds of the days when they had to give Joey Ramone (*RIP) a few extra lines of blow, and get him vertical in a barstool, before the organ grinder started spinning the handle...

I came across a recent clip of Uli Jon Roth playing this song with his current band. Yeah, he still slays.

You can't beat the original he did with Scorpions though. Pure magic.

Saw this video when it was posted on some random Youtube channel many moons ago. Thought I'd post it here in case anyone has not seen it before. I'm going to call it the don't stare at the drummer challenge. Prepare to fail. 🤣
